
Dr. No Terrorizes Senate

Amdesi · 10/30/09 12:40AM

1. His Name is No, Dr. No - Some hippie was once so enthralled by his resistance to the word "yes" that s/he sent him a giant "NO" in gratitude. He loves it so.

At Last! Obama Girls Finally Vaccinated

Amdesi · 10/28/09 02:42AM

So now you know it's safe to do the same for your kids. Although there is no video footage of this suspicious event, so proceed at your own risk!

Watch Your Back, Tim Geithner

cityfile · 10/27/09 12:21PM

President Obama now has a backup plan in the event he decides to kick Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner to the curb. 50 Cent has graciously stepped forward and offered to help the president run the U.S. economy. If President Obama needs him, of course.