
Obama: "I Was Actually Black Before the Election"

Pareene · 09/21/09 06:05PM

(They are so good at that, by the way! They learned this trick during the election, sending out politically relevant Letterman clips to all the blogs right after the show tapes.)

Emmy Ratings, Bloomberg's Bid & The Post Parody

cityfile · 09/21/09 02:04PM

• Despite all the talk of the impending demise of the TV industry, ratings for last night's Emmy Awards weren't too shabby. The three-hour show was seen by 13.3 million people, which is up 8 percent from last year. [THR]
• Bloomberg LP has officially submitted its bid to buy BusinessWeek. [BW]
Michael Musto of the Village Voice is hearing rumors that Conde Nast is planning to shutter five of its titles as it looks to slash costs. [VV]
• A group of activists affiliated with The Yes Men handed out copies of a New York Post parody this morning as part of an effort to draw attention to climate change; a number of them were later detained by the NYPD. [DF]
• Despite low ratings and lousy reviews early on, Katie Couric is expected to anchor the CBS Evening News until her contract expires in 2011. [NYT]
• Barack Obama made appearances on just about every Sunday morning talk show yesterday. With the exception of those on Fox News, that is. [LAT, [HP]
• Obama's media tour will continue tonight when he sits down alongside David Letterman on his late-night show, a first for a sitting U.S. president. [NYT]

An Awkward Encounter in Albany

cityfile · 09/21/09 08:32AM

News emerged over the weekend that President Obama has been urging Gov. David Paterson to seriously consider bowing out of the race for governor, since the president and his advisers don't think he has a chance of winning next fall, especially if he goes up against Rudy Giuliani. Paterson rejected the suggestion yesterday, and indicated he plans to move ahead with his campaign. This morning the two men came face to face when the president touched down in Albany to deliver an economic address at a nearby college. So how did that go? It was a little bit awkward, not surprisingly:

Just Wait Until They Train Bo to Bite You, Mr. President

Foster Kamer · 09/20/09 01:30PM

Sometimes, my parents mistakenly call me by any number of our family's dogs' names. Here's a video of the president talking about flu vaccines, calling one of his daughters by his sister's names. I guess it could be worse:

Just Don't Watch Cable News This Weekend, Please

John Cook · 09/18/09 12:26PM

Prepare for a bipartisan orgy of political posturing and apocalyptically awful punditry this weekend, as Barack Obama hits the Sunday talk shows while a bunch of Teabaggers pray for Jesus to come home at the Values Voters Conference.

Barack Obama's Geekiest Moments

Brian Moylan · 09/17/09 03:38PM

The pictures of Barack Obama brandishing a lightsaber are making the rounds, but they shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who knows that Mr. President is the nerdiest man living outside of his mother's basement.

The Empire Strikes Barack

Brian Moylan · 09/16/09 04:09PM

[Our Nerd President brandishes a lightsaber after a fencing demonstration on the White House lawn today during a photo op to promote Chicago's bid for the 2016 Olympic Games. (Bonus, green-screen-challenge-ready shot after the jump.) Image via Getty]