
Watch Obama Flub the Presidential Oath for the Second Time

Max Read · 01/21/13 12:30PM

For the second time in as many inaugurations, the president screwed up the oath of office. This time — unlike in 2009 — it wasn't even Chief Justice John Roberts' fault: Obama just stumbled over "the office of the President of the United States," settling for an embarrassed grin instead of finishing the sentence.

Robert Kessler · 01/21/13 12:28PM

In case you missed it, the full text of President Obama's second inaugural speech is available here.

Embracing the Cool Porcelain of Our National Toilet: The Obama Hangover

Mobutu Sese Seko · 01/21/13 11:15AM

The last time Barack Obama stepped up to an inaugural podium, the notion that we would spend four years with the Senate minority leader pledging not to pass a single item of legislation to help the president, the GOP House holding the American debt rating hostage, and countless party members whispering birther conspiracies and publicly sucking Donald Trump's feathered, blowdried asshole would have sounded like lunacy. Now it sounds like a Thursday.

Barack Obama Takes the Oath of Office for His Second Term

Robert Kessler · 01/20/13 12:57PM

President Barack Obama was officially sworn in for his second term as president. In a small ceremony at the White House, Obama swore to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." The oath was administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts; Michelle, Sasha and Malia joined him too.

This Is What's in President Obama's Gun Control Package

Robert Kessler · 01/16/13 12:55PM

A few minutes ago, President Obama announced a $500 million package, synthesized from suggestions put forth by Vice President Joe Biden's task force on gun control, aimed at curbing gun violence in the U.S. in the wake of the Sandy Hook massacre. The President called on Congress to take action in a number of ways, including:

Robert Kessler · 01/11/13 03:15PM

After meeting with Afghan President Karzai, President Obama announced US troops will move to a support role this spring.

Chuck Hagel Will Be Obama's Not-At-All Controversial Nominee for Secretary of Defense

Taylor Berman · 01/06/13 02:50PM

According to Politico, President Obama will nominate former Republican Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense on Monday. For those dreading the current, post-fiscal cliff lull in political bickering, the announcement will come as great news; Hagel has already faced criticism for anti-gay remarks in 1998, an interview in which he discussed the "Jewish lobby" in 2007, and for breaking ranks with Republicans during the Iraq War.

I Can't Stop Looking at These 2012 Photos of Some Super-Cool Dude Named Barack Obama

Camille Dodero · 12/31/12 12:30PM

Barack Obama is a master of the casually revealing photo. For months, you'll see the President of the United States blocking out a stiff rectangular space behind all those podiums, seeming a little vulnerably gangly in one of his slightly roomy grey or blue suits, alternating among a familiar reserve of strained expressions meant to convey leadership, certainty, disappointment, concern, reason, gravity, and occasional disgust. But then, at a regularly reaffirming clip, there are these moments when the President of the United States seems most at ease, somewhat unguarded, and most resolutely human. In these scenes, Obama's character doesn't shrink, it swells.

Important Question: Which World Leader Would Win In a Fight to the Death?

Adrian Chen · 12/31/12 11:45AM

It's New Years Eve and not too much is going on on the internet so let's contemplate The Most Important Question In The World: "Who would win if every country sent their leader to fight to the death?" Yesterday a user on Reddit posed the question that every stoned college sophomore home on winter break asks himself when ambling to the corner store to get some Pop Chips not because he's even that hungry but just to get out of the house for a minute or two.

Republicans Start to Give Up as Obama Clowns Them on Meet The Press

MTanzer · 12/30/12 11:11AM

President Obama appeared on Meet The Press this morning to talk about the ongoing fiscal cliff negotiations. His 30 minute conversation with host David Gregory was pretty cordial and never really got heated at any point. Those looking for Obama to show anger at Republicans were probably disappointed, but he dug into them at several moments for their inability to take any of the deals that he offered over the past month.

Robert Kessler · 12/21/12 10:25AM

The New York Times reports President Obama will officially nominate Sen. John Kerry for Secretary of State today.