
Wow—Finally Some Honesty From the Government

Brendan O'Connor · 03/16/16 09:55PM

The trains around San Francisco (the BART, or “Bay Area Rapid Transit”) is a mess tonight, as it is most nights. Just ask anyone from San Francisco! Tonight is such a mess, though, that whoever runs the @SFBART Twitter account decided to be very honest with its indignant followers.

Anonymous Wants To Conquer Twitter Trends Next

Ryan Tate · 09/12/11 05:43PM

Online attack mob Anonymous famously built software enabling basically anyone to launch a denial of service attack and help crash a website. Now the group has point-and-shoot software for hijacking Twitter threads, too. Is nothing sacred?

Nude Photo Leak Inspires Pro-BART Protest

Ryan Tate · 08/29/11 03:25PM

Hopefully no one plans to leave downtown San Francisco this evening, because the whole area is set to be consumed in an angry four-way rage fest over the BART subway system, a fest that now includes a counterprotest in support of a BART official whose nude photo was leaked by protesters.

Anonymous Leaks Nude Pics of BART Spokesman

Adrian Chen · 08/24/11 04:36PM

Anonymous has declared war on San Francisco's commuter subway system, BART. They've staged protests and hacked website, but a leak of nude pics of a BART spokesman has taken things to another, more personal level.

Will Anonymous Cripple San Francisco Again?

Ryan Tate · 08/22/11 06:23PM

One week ago, for the duration of rush hour, officials shut down all four downtown San Francisco BART stations — the heart of the commuter subway system — in response to a small protest by Anonymous. Today, the hacktivists are back. Whether the chaos returns is up to BART.

Anonymous Leaks BART Officers' Emails and Passwords

Adrian Chen · 08/17/11 03:05PM

Anonymous isn't done with San Francisco's BART yet. After a leak of BART passenger data and a real-life protest in retaliation for BART cutting cell service in their stations to squelch protest, Anonymous has leaked what it claims are the email addresses, passwords, and addresses of 102 BART officers. [Photo via Getty]

Anonymous Hacks BART Website, Leaks User Info and Passwords

Seth Abramovitch · 08/14/11 08:32PM

It's been a busy weekend for the hacking collective known as Anonymous. Their Operation Fullerton may not have panned out, but Project BARTway was a rousing success. (If you measure success in Thousands of Civilians' Personal Information Being Compromised in the Name of Free Speech.) As they had warned, Anonymous has infiltrated Bay Area Rapid Transit System on Sunday, unfurling their pirate flag logo on the homepage of — a promotional website — and, more disconcertingly, releasing the personal information of thousands of users.

San Francisco Cops Jam Cell Phones to Prevent Protest

Adrian Chen · 08/12/11 03:37PM

It's not just the London police and Middle East dictators who try to curb unrest by clamping down on communications networks. According to reports, police in San Francisco are jamming cell phones to head off protesters.