
Weiner and 'Miserable-Looking' Huma Abedin Get Baskin Robbins

Max Read · 06/26/11 11:17AM

Former congressman Anthony Weiner and his wife, Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, were spotted at Manhattan restaurant Bottega on Saturday. The pair "spent most of the meal chained to their cell phones," which means that Weiner was probably sexting.

America's Deadliest Ice Cream Desserts

Brian Moylan · 08/12/10 10:43AM

During the summer, ice cream is a frozen indulgence that many people allow themselves without worrying about just how unhealthy it is. Here are the most fat-laden ice cream treats. The worst has more calories than three Big Macs. Fatty.

Today In Chain Stores: Everything Is Ending

Richard Lawson · 07/16/10 10:19AM

These are bleak days for American consumers. We have no money, all the malls are closing, and everywhere we look some trusted brand is being attacked or irrevocably changed. Let's take a look at the news of today's commercial decay.

Eating & Drinking: Wednesday Edition

cityfile · 04/29/09 03:27PM

• A bunch of expensive restaurants are slated to open over the next few months. That kind of sucks for them, yes, although construction costs are down and rents are now negotiable, so it's not all bad news. Sort of. [NYT]
Frank Bruni offers up his take on a bunch of "recession beaters" in today's Times, including Anthos Upstairs, Craft's DFF, and the lounge at Per Se. [NYT]
• Will swine flu finally kill the pork-belly trend? [GS]
• Despite the recession, steakhouses still seem full, says the Post's Steve Cuozzo, and Wagyu beef is still selling, "strangely." Strange, indeed. [NYP]
• Snapple is giving away free pizza from May 4 to May 7. [Slice]
• More immediately: 31-cent scoops at Baskin-Robbins tonight. [TFB]