
ACLU Sues Baton Rouge Police Over Response to Alton Sterling Protests

Hudson Hongo · 07/13/16 07:56PM

On Wednesday, the ACLU of Louisiana and four other groups filed a lawsuit against the City of Baton Rouge, its police department and several other area law enforcement agencies, accusing authorities of violating the constitutional rights of protesters demonstrating against the shooting of Alton Sterling. About 200 marchers have been arrested in Baton Rouge since Sterling was killed by police last week, reports.

DeRay Mckesson and Several Journalists Arrested at Black Lives Matter Protests 

Hannah Gold · 07/10/16 09:50AM

On Saturday night, police arrested several activists and journalists at protests across the country over the highly publicized fatal police shootings of two black men this week. On Monday, a police officer shot and killed Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana as he was being held down by two other officers, and on Wednesday a cop mortally shot Philando Castile in Falcon Heights, Minnesota as Castile was reaching for his driver’s license during a routine traffic stop. Both murders were documented in videos that went viral.

Second Video of Alton Sterling's Shooting Death Seems to Contradict Police Claim That He Was Holding a Gun

Brendan O'Connor · 07/07/16 08:15AM

Abdullah Muflahti, the owner of the convenience store outside of which his friend Alton Sterling was killed on Tuesday, has shared new footage of the shooting with The Daily Beast. The video—filmed at a different angle than the video that emerged earlier this week—appears to contradict the claim by authorities that Sterling was threatening police with a gun.

Justice Department Opens Civil Rights Investigation into Baton Rouge Police Shooting of Alton Sterling

Brendan O'Connor · 07/06/16 11:45AM

The Justice Department has opened a civil rights investigation into the fatal shooting of Alton Sterling, a 37-year-old black man, by Baton Rouge police on Tuesday, the New York Times reports. The incident was partially captured on video. “I have very serious concerns,” Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards said. “The video is disturbing, to say the least.”

Wealthy Parents Keep Trying to Starve Public School Districts

Hamilton Nolan · 02/06/14 10:14AM

The wealthier portion of Baton Rouge, Louisiana wants to spin itself off into its own little school district, leaving the poorer portion of the city with far less revenue for schools. This is, sadly, a trend that shows no sign of abating.

What Are the Most Toxic Cities in America?

Brian Moylan · 03/01/11 03:40PM

You know the difference between the putrid air of the metropolitan area and the searing sting of fresh air out in the country. But which cities are the most toxic? A new study finds out.