
Jennifer Aniston And John Mayer: See It, Believe It, Decide Whether You Care From There

Molly Friedman · 04/30/08 07:35PM

It's usually fun when rumored flings between two unlikely stars are proven true, unless one of those stars happens to be serial dater Jennifer Aniston. Last week we reluctantly reported on stories linking Aniston to orgasmic crooner John Mayer, and as In Touch tells us today, the pair spent a long weekend together in Miami, where Jen's filming Marley & Me. Just another doozy of an I'll Believe It When I See It tale? Well, believe it, and see it, after the jump.

Mr. Samberg, You're Going To Be Detained

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/30/08 01:45PM

A TSA agent drunk on power attempted to place Saturday Night Live performer Andy Samberg into his own private rendition. The security agent mentioned that he wrote a spec script that Samberg would be perfect for and that he also wanted to get Samberg's feedback on some characters he's been developing in his improv classes. Samberg looked around the janitorial closet and said that is pretty illegal, but might make for a "totally sweet" digital short.

Woody Allen Advises Against Getting Aroused at International Starlets Making Out

STV · 04/30/08 01:00PM

Defamer has learned that the Weinstein Company operative who months ago positioned Vicky Cristina Barcelona's three-way Scarlett Johansson/Penélope Cruz/Javier Bardem sex scene as "an extremely erotic" screen tryst that will "leave the audience gasping" was not likely the same representative who hooked director Woody Allen up this week with Entertainment Weekly. In a blurb featured in EW's new summer movie preview, the filmmaker dashed a million hormonal panics by tiredly setting the record straight:

Katherine Heigl Enforces Her Strict No Looking At Her Uggs Policy

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/28/08 01:50PM

Katherine Heigl once again had to remind every one of the set of her new film, The Ugly Truth, the rules regarding her Ugg boots. Heigl had it written into her contract that she's allowed to wear her Uggs in scenes where her feet aren't visible, and even added a clause that gives her the authority to fire any crew members who snicker, giggle or engage in any other form of laugh-based communication either to her face or behind her back. Heigl told the crew that if they can't adhere to these rules then they could try to get somebody else who'll open the #1. That reminder sure shut them all up.

Jonah Hill Is Workin' on His Fitness!

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/25/08 07:30PM

Forgetting Sarah Marshall star Jonah Hill's initial baby steps into a regular work out routine were thwarted by a nosy photographer. Hill politely asked if the photographer could leave him alone, seeing as how Hill had successfully finished his first block. Unfortunately for all parties involved, the photographer said no and offered Hill the halfway melted Snickers bar in his SUV. Hill continued on his walk, but the ever-persistent photog asked if Hill wanted to make a run to Crumbs in Beverly Hills, adding in that it would be his treat. Hill sighed and continued on with his power walk, then muttered, "Any other day, I'd be there. But you know, I'm working hard not to be the Artie Lange of the Apatow gang."

Amy Adams Will Have You Know That This Haircut Was Not Her Call

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/25/08 04:15PM

Perpetually cute actress Amy Adams took a break from being the cute one while out walking her brand new puppies in Brooklyn Thursday afternoon. Adams told the photographer that it felt refreshing to be stopped by children because of her puppies for once, rather than for the usual reasons (which, duh, is because she was in Enchanted). Adams said that her new puppies also distract people from the unflattering haircut she's sporting. "It's for a role," she explained.

When It Comes To Celeb PDA, Boob And Crotch Grabs Are Par For The Course

Molly Friedman · 04/25/08 02:25PM

When it comes to celebrity couples making out in public, you'd think all those beautiful people would know how to make a kiss look hot. They manage to do it on-screen with complete strangers, and frankly, a large part of their job is to hook up take after take and make it still look steamy and unrehearsed, right? But as our slideshow-happy friends at Us have shown us, stars are seriously lacking in the hot and heavy PDA department. While some couples (Drew Barrymore and Justin Long) are downright sweet, and some are disturbingly turning us on at such an early hour (Enrique and Anna Kournikova, natch), we'd like to officially ban any future photos of a select few couples getting down and dirty ever again. The good, the bad, and the nauseating, after the jump:

The Gossip On The Set Is That This Gossip Girl Enjoys Ice Cream

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/25/08 12:40PM

Bucking all the Hollywood dieting trends and fads, Gossip Girl guest star Michelle Trachtenberg enjoyed an ice cream sundae while on set yesterday. Trachtenberg explained that it was a hot day and, quite frankly, frozen yogurt doesn't quite hit the spot on a hot day. However, Trachtenberg did say that she called her personal trainer and notified him that she was going to have some ice cream and that her workout the following day would reflect her decision to have ice cream.

You Can't Wear Stripper Shoes, Mandy Moore!

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/24/08 12:10PM

Following in the steps of Academy Award winner and mega MILF Gwyneth Paltrow, Hollywood's resident goodie two shoes Mandy Moore decided to reveal a bit of her kinkier side via her fancy footwear. Moore has been looking to move beyond "the girl everybody loves and cares for" parts into something more meaty and interesting. Moore said, "The good girl rarely wears a shoe that could be used a weapon to murder somebody. I want people to be AFRAID of what I could do with my shoes. I'm sick of people of wanting to hug me and talk about how much they loved A Walk To Remember. I want to be scary, yet adorable." Upon completing her diatribe, Moore tripped and fell and muttered something under her breath about how she should've never listened to her stupid stylist in the first place.

Natalie Portman Still A Bit Gun Shy Around Dogs

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/23/08 12:50PM

Natalie Portman attempted to repair her relationship with the canine community yesterday afternoon in New York City. After a mini-marathon of The Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan (and at the behest of her hippie boyfriend, Devendra Banhart), Portman got back out there with her new puppy. Portman flinched slightly each time the dog went to the bathroom, but over time, Portman started to relax.

Jake Gyllenhaal Suffers David O. Russell Induced Breakdown At LAX

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/22/08 12:20PM

While running through LAX yesterday, temperamental star Jake Gyllenhaal made a call to both his manager and agent to complain about the size of the airport. Gyllenhaal felt that the airport was too big and that more airports should have a downhome feel like John Wayne does. Gyllenhaal then complained that the security officer who helped the actor through the airport spent too much time asking him how his flight was and not enough fending off the paparazzi. Gyllenhaal then demanded that his agents set up a meeting with Diablo Cody, mainly because he wanted to see how long it would take for him to get her naked. Gyllenhaal then paused for a moment to catch his breath and, when he did, he finally came to his senses and fell directly to the floor. Once on the floor, Gyllenhaal rested in a fetal position and whispered into his phone: "I can't do work with David O. Russell anymore. I can't. I want Fincher back. I want to do take after take for ten hours straight."

It's A Photo Of Somebody Famous, I Think

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/21/08 02:25PM

The photographer of this particular picture has assured his bosses and the editors of various weekly tabloid magazines that if they squint and stare real hard at the computer screen, they'll see it's a photo of Owen Wilson and Kate Hudson in a semi-romantic embrace. The photographer hopes to usher in a new era/style of paparazzi similar to the Magic Eye craze of mid 1990s. If one stares long enough, they'll be able to see some one famous.

The Bore Warrior

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/18/08 03:20PM

Self proclaimed "King of Malibu" Mel Gibson nearly caused a pile-up in his fair city as he attempted to decipher a text message from one of his children at a stoplight. Gibson asked a motorist in the next lane if they knew what "Hai *vin 4 cofy ditd <3" meant. The passing motorist shrugged their shoulders, but told Gibson that they loved him in Bird On A Wire and zoomed away. Gibson continued to decipher for roughly ten minutes before tossing the phone in the back seat while shouting, "Kids. These fucking kids today."

Adrian Grenier Prefers A Retro Bush

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/15/08 12:15PM

Woman In Hat: So, are you going to read that book the whole time?
Adrian Grenier: Yeah-uh.
W.I.H.: Then why did you invite me out to lunch if you just wanted to read your book?
AG: So, I won't look like this generation's Howard Hughes for once.
W.I.H.: I think we already know that.
AG: I know that we know that, but they don't know that.
W.I.H.: What? That you piss into jars and take dumps in a big hole in your backyard?
AG: Got to be green by any means necessary.

This Flight Isn't Cancelled

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/14/08 07:15PM

Hayden Christensen attempted to use "The Force" to make sure his American Airlines flight was not cancelled this weekend. Unfortunately for Hayden, each time the airline employee checked on the status of the flight, it still showed up as being cancelled. Christian explained to the woman that he had booked the flight roughly three months ago. To which the woman simply shrugged her shoulders and said, "Maybe you shouldn't have made that Attack of the Clones movie and ruined Star Wars." Then she yelled for the next passenger in line.

Oliver Stone Is On The Comeback!

Douglas Reinhardt · 04/14/08 03:50PM

Famed filmmaker Oliver Stone threw a party for himself and a few friends over the weekend to celebrate his anticipated comeback to Hollywood. After a couple of glasses of wine, Stone opened up to anybody who'd listen about how great his upcoming George W Bush biopic is going to be. He later added that the name Oliver Stone will no longer be remembered for bloated period epics, crackpot political theories and forced stylistic flourishes; no, the Stone name will once again be a great name. He then proceed to pound another glass of wine.