
Julia Allison To Answer Readers' Questions Right Here

Richard Lawson · 01/02/08 12:01PM

Though she hardly needs an introduction on these pages, we'll give her one anyway because she is being kind (and ballsy) enough to throw herself to the wolves. An Editor-at-Large for Star magazine, a columnist for Time Out New York, and a frequent guest on various news programs such as Fox News' Red Eye, Julia is also famous for having dated one Jakob Lodwick, a College Humor millionaire. They even had a website that chronicled their life together! Sadly, Jakob has moved on to other pastures, but Julia remains strong and feisty! So feisty in fact that she's going to answer your questions on this very weblog. She'll be logging on at 2pm EST and hanging around in this post, so please come by and ask her things. Be as kind and respectful as possible, of course. We don't want to scare her off.