CNBC's Becky Quick joins long line of women emailing Jimmy Wales
Owen Thomas · 07/10/08 06:40PMCall it a strange attraction: Women whose Wikipedia entries aren't to their liking just can't seem to resist taking their case to the site's stubbly cofounder, Jimmy Wales. Even CNBC's Becky Quick struck up a correspondence, she admits in this clip. Unlike Canadian television commentator Rachel Marsden, whose call for help turned into a sexual fling, Quick is married. To a computer programmer. (I can hear you all eating your hearts out.) Why didn't she just ask her husband for help getting her entry edited? Given Wales's reputation, that seems easier.
The Perils of Being on TV
Jesse · 12/06/05 10:10AM
Know who Becky Quick is? Us either, until yesterday. That's when someone directed us to a Becky Quick website, where we learned not only that she's a correspondent for CNBC's morning show, Squawk Box, but also that she's "beautiful and talented." At first we thought this was her personal publicity site, but then we looked at it for a bit and realized that even a television reporter couldn't be quite so narcissistic and tone deaf as to write in the first line of the "About Becky" bio: