
Don't Let A Blow Job Compromise Your Health!

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/08 01:34PM

At a time when our young people are getting STDs from playing too much beer pong and Christian politicos can't even keep their own kids celibate, America is plainly in need of a useful public sex education campaign. Well, we won't get it; this country can't even tolerate Eva Mendes' nipple yet. You have to go to Belgium, where sex in advertising is a form of art! Below is a new Belgian PSA that is perhaps the single best piece of televised sex ed I've ever seen. That ain't mouthwash, yall:

Waffles & Politics

cityfile · 08/15/08 09:23AM

Did you know those yellow waffle carts around town basically sum up the history of one of Europe's most advanced countries? It's true. "Wafels & Dinges truck might just be the perfect metaphor for Belgium." Oh, also? You should know that there are 3,426 Belgians living in New York City and Diane von Furstenberg was born in Brussels. [NYO]

Swedish pirates ascendant, Belgians spank Google

Chris Mohney · 02/13/07 03:30PM

Someday Vanity Fair will hire feature writers who don't feel compelled to frontload their articles with 1,000-word ledes. In the meantime, The Pirate Bay — the Swedish-based torrent tracker that's currently sponsoring a collection of Oscar-film download links — gets a longform VF spotlight. Interesting timing, given today's decision by a Belgian court to punish Google for linking to copyrighted material. Despite the successes of the Swedish pirates, the rest of Fortress Europe may be closing their portcullises on intellectual property.