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Ashley Feinberg · 07/25/16 10:20AMThe Bernie Sanders Meme Community Is Freaking the Fuck Out
Ashley Feinberg · 07/12/16 01:18PM
If there’s anything to be said about Bernie Sanders fans, it’s that they’ve handled the past year with the sort of sensitivity so rarely seen in politics today. And now that Bernie Sanders has finally conceded to Hillary Clinton, they’re responding with the same fair-minded thoughtfulness we’ve all come to know and love.
Attention Bernie Bros: Woo a Hillary Voter With These Exclusive Printable Valentines
Ashley Feinberg and Allie Jones · 02/12/16 05:15PM
Like so many trash fires fueled by a mix of paper-thin arguments and Bengay, the race for the Democratic nomination for president is heating up. Online discussions between so-called Bernie Bros and Hillary Bots have thus far been characterized by condescension, profanity, and just generally being insufferable. But perhaps Valentine’s Day could turn the tides...toward love.
Bill Fucking Clinton Accuses Bernie Supporters of Sexism
Allie Jones · 02/08/16 12:15PMWhat Is a BernieBro?
J.K. Trotter · 02/04/16 11:58AM
You may have heard the term “BernieBro” being thrown around on Facebook and Twitter lately, usually during discussions about the candidacy of Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. Robinson Meyer of The Atlantic invented the term late last year, in an article describing what he saw as a collection of conversational and argumentative tics frequently exhibited by Sanders’ supporters (“The Berniebro talks a lot about DC insiders”; “The Berniebro knows the media is complicit in keeping Clinton the Democratic front-runner”) but he didn’t settle on a concrete definition. So what is a BernieBro? Language is a malleable thing, so for now we’ll defer to the definitions laid down by other outlets. Here’s what we know about the BernieBro so far: