
Beth Comstock

cityfile · 01/25/08 11:29PM

Formerly the president of digital media and market development at NBC Universal, Comstock is now a senior vice president and the chief marketing officer at NBCU's parent, GE.

At iVillage, NBC makes all the same mistakes

Mary Jane Irwin · 08/14/07 11:40AM

NBC has relearned, at great cost, a valuable lesson. The Web is more than the Wild West. One doesn't profit by simply squatting on land; it actually has to be developed. Beth Comstock, NBC's president of integrated media, dazzled the Net with NBC's acquisition of women's health site iVillage. She boasted how the purchase gave NBC "scale and a profitable, established platform to expand [its] digital efforts." It would allow the company to connect "more deeply online, on mobile and on demand with key consumers throughout their various life stages." Now, Comstock admits she bet wrong, to the tune of $600 million.