
The New York Times Profiled the Brant Brothers Because the New York Times Hates You

Drew Magary · 06/21/12 01:55PM

We at Gawker have warned you previously that the New York Times Style section exists solely to introduce you to society's biggest shitheads, and yesterday's profile of the Brant Brothers is no exception. At this point, it feels as if the Times is going out of its way to troll us all. No one at that paper could possibly think these two teenagers—who have yet to contribute anything meaningful to society—are inherently interesting. A much more reasonable explanation is that someone at the Times Style section sits down every week and is like, "Oh hey, how can we piss off everyone this week? I KNOW! Let's profile a pair of privileged dipshits!" Look at this fucking article:

Meet Scarlett Johansson's Boob-Obsessed, Non-Celebrity Boyfriend

Maureen O'Connor · 02/02/12 04:58PM

Meet Nate Naylor. He's a New York ad executive, and for the last five months he has been dating Scarlett Johansson. How did this mere mortal manage to capture a celebrity in the finely knit butterfly net of his love? Come, let us obsessively scrutinize everything about this man's life, because he is dating someone famous.

The Brant Brothers: The World's Luckiest Teenage Homosexuals

Brian Moylan · 01/31/12 04:57PM

It's official, I am completely obsessed with openly gay socialite Peter Brant II and his (potentially gay) younger brother Harry. Screw Glee's Kurt Hummell, every gay teen on earth pretty much wishes they were either of these kids. They're just spectacularly amazing.