
Your Campaign '08 Rejected Comments

Pareene · 11/04/08 06:08PM

In the future the history books will say this election was fought across blog posts and in the comment trenches, via video links and perpetual forwards. History books will be full of shit, obv, because 99% of the internet noise about the election was barely readable garbage and nonsense. Our resident expert in garbage and nonense, is, of course, Comments Czar Kaila, who decides which of you get to live to comment another day. So below, for your Election Day, Kaila shares some of the very best of the best of insane rejected comments. "Fuck you you fucking liberal elitist fucks," after the jump! Leave 'em hanging: Palin Emails Real

Buzz Bissinger Will Abuse You Into Civility

Pareene · 04/30/08 03:19PM

Friday Night Lights author Buzz Bissinger hates the internet. Deadspin editor Will Leitch, despite also having written books (printed on paper and everything!) represents the internet, as a whole. So Bob Costas sat Will down with Bissinger (and, for some reason, Browns wide receiver Braylon Edwards) so that Bissinger could yell at Will for ten minutes and call him "full of shit," among other things. Costas just kinda smugly encourages the whole mess. Will is apparently to blame for the existence of photos of Matt Leinert partying, which Costas seems to think were dug up from someone's trash. And Buzz cannot stop cursing and interrupting and shouting in his vitriolic attack on the uncouth, anti-journalistic rudeness of bloggers, an irony he apparently does not give two shits about. Will! The nicest Gawker Media editor! This, along with our hideous physical deformities, is why we don't do television. Clip attached (in case YouTube's disappears).

Who Are You People, and Why Are You So Mad?

Rebecca · 03/18/08 02:07PM

This post is about comments. Consider that your invitation to tell me I have it all wrong. To be honest, I don't know that much about the commenting scene. I'm not above making anonymous judgments or being bored at work, I just never understand the motivation of blog commenters. Is it winning a commie? Being quoted in the New York Times public editor's column? I get that being anonymous makes people more free to revert to their Lord of The Flies side, but why is everyone always so rude? And is that rudeness destroying society?

Nerds, Terrorists Vie For YouTube Supremacy

Pareene · 10/15/07 02:50PM

Like the creators of The Onion before them, the sideburned jokesters responsible for those "Chad Vader" YouTube videos are trying as hard as they can to escape from Madison, Wisconsin. They're represented by William Morris! They're flying out to New York to participate in something called "Battle of the Internet Superstars" (uggghh)! And as long as they keep pumping out lame Star Wars parodies, people will continue trying to figure out how to make money off of them. Is it wrong, though, that we'd kinda rather subscribe to the YouTube channel of militant North Carolinian jihadist Samir Khan?

Choire · 10/12/07 10:30AM

"All the emergency lights are flashing on at least the newsroom floors of the New York Times. An announcement said there has been some kind of problem, and they are investigating the cause. The security system seemed totally messed up when people were coming in this morning. It doesn't seem all that serious though." THE FALCON CANNOT HEAR THE FALCONER, RENZO PIANO. Update: An announcement! "The alarm is false. Please resume normal activities. There is no need for evacuation."