
Farewell, Bill Keller's Awful Magazine Column

Hamilton Nolan · 07/25/11 09:08AM

Remember when Bill Keller was the strong, silent type? The respected, technocratic editor of America's best newspaper? It seems like such a short time ago. It was!

Bill Keller Still Talking Even Though His Opinion No Longer Matters

Hamilton Nolan · 06/22/11 02:05PM

In your self-important Wednesday media column: Bill Keller's opinions on the internet are neverending, the New York Post gets more expensive, Salon's CEO resigns, Brian Lam moves to the ocean, and Poetry magazine successfully spends lots of money.

Shep Smith Calls Bill Keller 'Not Nice'

Hamilton Nolan · 06/03/11 03:00PM

In your finally Friday media column: Shep Smith vs. Bill Keller, New York Times overload, Utah is just like New York, Conde Nast's real estate decisions criticized, and Tina Brown poaches another one.

Bill Keller: Editing the New York Times Was a Drag

Hamilton Nolan · 06/02/11 02:34PM

In your emotional Thursday media column: Bill Keller vents, the NYT newsroom tweets, worldwide journalist peril quantified, Ed Schultz is coming back, and rumors of more Time Out troubles.

It's Time For Bill Keller's Editor to Fire Him

Hamilton Nolan · 05/18/11 02:00PM

In your fed-up Wednesday media column: Bill Keller must be stopped, a new Encyclopedia of News, the LAT's long-awaited vindication, Katie Couric considered, and Gwyneth declines to launch a magazine, thank god.

Will Katie Couric Kill General Hospital?

Hamilton Nolan · 05/05/11 02:00PM

In your pokey Thursday media column: the latest Katie Couric rumors, The Daily's quite unprofitable, MTV's CEO resigns, more Bill Keller columnizing, and some WaPo departures.

The New York Times Gives Up on Objectivity

Hamilton Nolan · 05/02/11 08:24AM

The New York Times' stubborn use of honorifics—calling everyone by formal titles on second reference—is dumb. It's a goofy relic, and should be done away with. Done away with all at once. Not by withholding honorifics for people the editor doesn't like.

Wikileaks Documents Reveal a Stinky, Crazy Guantanamo Bay

Adrian Chen · 04/25/11 10:32AM

Among the cache of documents allegedly leaked to Wikileaks by PFC Bradley Manning was over 700 dossiers on detainees at Guantanamo Bay Prison. A slew of international papers published stories based on them today, and Wikileaks is dribbling out the full cache. They paint a picture of Gitmo as a poop-strewn debacle stuffed with crazy people, a journalist, random Afghan civilians—even some dangerous terrorists.

Julian Assange Describes Secret New York Times Cover Up

Ryan Tate · 04/13/11 01:38PM

The New York Times pressed Wikileaks to publish classified Pentagon documents to avoid charges of conspiring to commit espionage, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange claimed. The Times was too scared to scoop, in other words.

The More Bill Keller Says, the Worse He Gets

Hamilton Nolan · 04/01/11 03:24PM

Bill Keller, the editor of America's greatest newspaper, continues to systematically dismantle his professional reputation by writing an unnecessary, vainglorious, and ill-advised column in the New York Times Magazine, in which he demonstrates, week by depressing week, that he's not as great as you would have imagined. This week, he comes right out and calls for more government secrecy and less journalism. "For those charged with keeping secrets, WikiLeaks is a wake-up call," he writes. "So what should the government do to make the leaker's task - and my job as a nosy journalist - harder?

Bill Keller's Newsroom Memo on How the NYT Freed Its Reporters in Libya

Hamilton Nolan · 03/21/11 10:40AM

This memo from editor Bill Keller just went out to the New York Times newsroom, celebrating the official release of the four NYT employees who'd been detained in Libya since last week. His comments on the resources the paper calls on to help rescue its staffers are interesting and worth noting.

The New York Times' Columnist Problem

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/11 03:40PM

Bill Keller, the editor of the world's most influential newspaper, may be losing his mind. He made the poor choice to start writing his own column, which promptly went to hell in its second week. He wrote a whiny, trite, un-self-aware media column, ensuring that most people wouldn't care, and those who cared would find his work embarrassing.

Bill Keller Writes Provocative Media Column From 1997

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/11 03:34PM

When we learned that New York Times editor Bill Keller was getting his very own column in the New York Times Magazine, our keen media instinct—honed by years of reading the Twitter and writing juvenile jokes on the internet while never doing any "real reporting"—told us that sooner or later, this column would become an institutional embarrassment. Spoiler: sooner!

Bill Keller Is Talking So Much Trash About Fox News

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/11 10:12AM

New York Times editor Bill Keller spoke in front of the New York Press Club last night in Manhattan. In addition to all of the talk about journalism and the future of the paper and various and sundry dry matters like that (including an unsatisfactory rehashing of the Raymond Davis debacle that gave no indication that Keller had any second thoughts about the way he handled the story), did he get a chance to send a zinger towards Rupert Murdoch and Fox News?

Bill Keller's Ill-Advised Column Debuts

Hamilton Nolan · 03/02/11 03:22PM

In your Wednesday media column: Bill Keller's debut column, the NYT paywall approaches, NewsBeast shows staffers the new Newsweek, NPR listeners are unbearable, and Jeanne Moos wants a gold watch, goddamn it.