
Donald Trump's Birth Certificate Is Clearly a Fake

Jim Newell · 03/28/11 04:57PM

Pretend presidential candidate Donald Trump released his "birth certificate" to wingnut rag Newsmax today to prove that he's an American citizen, unlike Barack Obama. That was nice of him. But where's the real birth certificate? Because this... this thing, this piece of paper with bullshit scribbled all over it, is simply not a birth certificate. Just look at it. This is definitely not a legitimate birth certificate. If it were real, it would be real. Where's the birth certificate, Trump?

Donald Trump's Delusion: 'I Definitely Think I Could Beat Obama'

Brian Moylan · 03/23/11 12:09PM

Donald Trump went on The View this morning to spread his birther nonsense and talk about potentially running for president in 2012. When Barbara Walters pushed for an answer of whether or not he could win he says, "I definitely think I could beat Obama." Really, Donald? Really?

Boehner Stands Strong in Defense of Stupid People

Max Read · 02/14/11 03:17AM

One of the fundamental freedoms guaranteed to us in the constitution is the freedom to think whatever the hell we want, about anything. It's constantly under attack, from teachers, and schools, and so-called "facts," but at least one politician still believes in it:

Why Won't Barack Obama Plaster His Birth Certificate on His Forehead?

Max Read · 08/30/10 03:01AM

Alleged President Obama sat down with 30 Rock cast member Brian Williams on Sunday to talk about some... French city? Or something? Who even knows?? Because the important part is that Obama once again rejected the demands of millions of reasonable Americans, who are just naturally suspicious of this black fellow claiming to be president. See, Obama told Williams that he "can't spend all of my time with my birth certificate plastered on my forehead." Oh, and why is that, "Mister" "President"? Most likely because you can't plaster something to your forehead... if it doesn't exist.

Birthers Are Back In a Big Way

Adrian Chen · 04/21/10 10:00PM

We've missed the Birthers. They put the "crazy" in "Democrazy". Without them, we've had to confront the actually scary lunacy of the gun nuts and the Tea Party. But now birthers back with new wacky schemes and characters. Woooo!