Hamilton Nolan · 12/11/14 05:15PM
California Assemblyman is Trying to Put SeaWorld Out of Business
Jordan Sargent · 03/08/14 04:26PMRich Juzwiak · 01/13/14 04:32PM
SeaWorld Is So Pissed Over the Blackfish Documentary
Rich Juzwiak · 07/19/13 03:32PM
Director Gabriela Cowperthwaite recently told the New York Times that she approached her documentary Blackfish as a journalist with an open mind. The resulting film, which is about killer whales in captivity (specifically at SeaWorld and focusing on the 32-year-old orca Tilikum, who's killed three people), is nonetheless damning enough that it reads like animal liberation propaganda. We hear numerous testimonials from former SeaWorld trainers on the negative effects of keeping these giant, sensitive creatures penned. We see hidden-camera footage of SeaWorld guides feeding park guests incorrect information about orcas' lifespans and fins — the dorsal fins of captive killer routinely collapse, or flop to the side, which is rare in the wild. We see footage of brutal whale-on-human attacks. We hear nothing from SeaWorld itself.