
Did Tech Geeks Rip Off Sci Fi Geeks?

Hamilton Nolan · 01/06/10 11:09AM

Ha, the family of sci-fi writer Philip "K" Dick is threatening to sue Google for stealing its "Nexus One" phone name from the Dick story that inspired Blade Runner (it also featured Androids, get it??). Google's response: "Nerds." [WSJ]

'Run, MOM!!! Dad’s Not Looking!'

Douglas Reinhardt · 10/09/08 12:03PM

Click to Midway through a matinee of Beverly Hills Chihuahua, mother-daughter duo Katie Holmes and Suri sent Tom Cruise out for a refill on snacks and sodas. As soon as Cruise left the theater, Suri leaned over to her mother and whispered, “If we ever wanted to run away, now would be the time. We got maybe five minutes before he gets back. Are you with me?” Holmes looked over her shoulder and eyed the door. Nobody was coming. Holmes stared into the eyes of her daughter and wondered if they could pull it off. Before she made her mad dash for freedom, Suri left behind an origami unicorn crafted out of a movie ticket stub. [Photo Credit: Splash Pics] *A Call To The Bullpen is a work of fiction. Although the pictures we use are most certainly real, Defamer does not purport that any of the incidents or quotations you see in this piece actually happened. Lighten up, people ... it's a joke.

Kyle Buchanan · 09/30/08 03:10PM

Lost in Time, Like Tears in Rain: Yesterday, we brought you the news that the writing duo behind Eagle Eye had set their sights on Blade Runner 2 — and now, one half of that team is washing his hands of the project. Said screenwriter John Glenn to Slashfilm: "Travis [Wright] and I actually broke off as writing partners years ago - after the first draft of Eagle Eye. Due to previous commitments, I couldn’t make the screening/Q&A last week — so to be honest, I have no idea what Travis was talking about or why he brought up a project we were tooling with years ago, when we still wrote together...It never got too far off the ground because the movie is so perfect, so the more we thought about it, the more uneasy we became with the idea...My apologies to you and your readers for the confusion Travis created." [Slashfilm]

'Eagle Eye' Team Hopes to Replicate Its Success With Wholly Unnecessary 'Blade Runner 2'

Kyle Buchanan · 09/29/08 03:20PM

Sometimes the Ridley Scott sci-fi classic Blade Runner can seem like a film franchise all by itself, what with the numerous international cuts, "no, for real this time" director's cuts, and "no, for really real" final cuts the film has spawned. One thing Blade Runner has never had, though, is a sequel — and that's something the writing duo behind the Shia LeBeouf starrer Eagle Eye is working to change. Cowriters Travis Wright and John Glenn have already scripted studio updates to The Warriors and Clash of the Titans, and at a Creative Screenwriting event recently, Wright said Blade Runner is the next property on their hit list:

How Blade Runner Predicted Modern Cities

Nick Denton · 08/05/08 09:45AM

Oobject's latest gallery of modern buildings reinforces the reputation of Blade Runner as a visual template for modern cities. Ridley Scott's influential science fiction movie-based on a Philip K. Dick short story-imagined omnipresent video advertising and environmental collapse in the Los Angeles of 2019. It's both a relief and a disappointment that the movie's dystopian vision is more likely to be realized in Shanghai or Beijing than in America's increasingly quaint cities.