
Chicago Ad Mocks Blagojevich, Suggests New Gig

Owen Thomas · 12/26/08 03:00PM

LeatherCreations, a Chicago-area furniture store, took out a quarter-page ad in Thursday's Chicago Tribune: "We sell more seats than the Governor!" Does this spell a lucrative post-politics career in endorsements for Illinois's allegedly crooked governor?

Blago Answers Charges with Poetry

Owen Thomas · 12/19/08 03:00PM

Live from downtown Chicago, corruptastic Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich gave a statement and answered no questions. We were going to cover it live, but it was over in four minutes!

Moral Highground Watch: Shame on Mrs Blago

Pareene · 12/11/08 05:34PM

Everyone got bored with attacking idiot Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich at some point mid-yesterday, so naturally today brought the SHAME ON HIS WIFE stories.

Obama Killed Blago!

Pareene · 12/10/08 10:15AM

Three months ago, while Barack Obama was running for president and his rival John McCain kept kinda-sorta threatening to bring up corrupt Chicago politics, Obama called up his good friend in the Illinois State Senate, Emil Jones, Jr, and convinced him to change his mind on an important upcoming vote. The formerly doomed bill suddenly passed! Man, that Chicago machine. So dirty! Of course, it was the ethics bill. The one that forced Governor Blagojevich to get all his corruption in before it went into effect in January, leading to his convenient pre-inauguration downfall.

Blagojevich Touched Us All

Pareene · 12/09/08 05:39PM

Usually the arrest of a corrupt Chicago politician would afford, at best, a paragraph of coverage here at Gawker. It's Dog-bites-man news. But Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich is a magical figure, who is connected, directly and indirectly, with so many beloved Gawker characters. Steve Dressler put together this little illustration of Blago's Web of Deceit, and all those who've been caught in it. Join us for explanations, below.

Why This Is Very Bad News for Barack Obama

Pareene · 12/09/08 04:14PM

US Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald made a point of saying Barack Obama was unaware of the wrongdoings of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, but that decidedly does not mean that our president-elect will emerge from this unscathed. No, this is the kind of distracting, dragged-out mess than can derail a first term—or at the very least a first 100 days. And, you know, the full extent of the involvement of Obama's team and maybe Obama himself is yet to be discovered. So let's take a look at just a couple of the ways this can go terribly wrong for our president-elect!