
Arrington engages the Valley's crazy uncles

Nick Douglas · 06/26/06 09:00AM

The Three Stooges of Silicon Valley found a Shemp. After Michael Arrington spoke at Dave Winer's BloggerCon, the TechCrunch blogger got sucked into Winer's little club — Winer, Marc Canter, and Steve Gillmor.

Pretend you went to Bloggercon

Nick Douglas · 06/23/06 02:55PM

As long as you're pretending you went to Supernova, pretend you hit every conference in downtown San Francisco this week. Old-school blogger Dave Winer is holding his BloggerCon "unconference" down the road from Supernova, and he can only let 150 attendees in at a time. (At least at Supernova, there's room to sneak into the Palace Hotel and schmooze for free.) Don't worry, Dave and his attendees are making BloggerCon the most un-unmissable conference of the season.