
To-Do tonight: Every time someone reinvents semantic folksonomies, do a shot

Nick Douglas · 08/31/06 07:45PM
  • No toil nor trouble at tonight's first Bubble Thursday in San Fran. While the crowd will be fun (Laughing Squid founder Scott Beale! Vlogger Irina Slutsky! The Technorati crew! Valleywag!) the tone won't be too bubbly — no open bar, much less chocolate fountains and corporate strippers. (Granted, if you give host Kevin Burton a twenty, he'll stuff it in his underwear. Honest.) [Upcoming, photo by Zach Stern]

Danny's done: Search Engine Watch founder to quit

Nick Douglas · 08/29/06 04:17PM

The founding editor of Search Engine Watch, the heavyweight in search blogging and the Wall Street Journal for the growing search-marketing set, says he's heading out this winter. Danny Sullivan announced his impending exit — from SEW and his Search Engine Strategies conferences — on his personal site, saying, "My contracts with their owners Incisive Media are expiring, and we've not been able to agree on new ones."

These three bloggers want to get you a job

Nick Douglas · 08/29/06 02:52PM

Takeaway: Several big tech bloggers recently launched job boards. Michael Arrington at TechCrunch has the best board, but his competitors rejected his partnership offers, fearing he'd take over the partnership.

Remainders: Astronomers Rescind Pluto's Planet Privileges, NYC Remains Center Of Universe

pevans · 08/25/06 04:42PM

• 2500 astronomers from 75 countries decide Pluto isn't a planet, but a dwarf planet. Copernicus has no comment. [CNN]
• 250,000 women from 1 country decide Michael Noer isn't a dick, but a COLOSSAL dick. Everyone continues to comment. [The American Prospect]
• Do The Killers need to be taken down a peg? Two new songs to help you decide. [stereogum]
• Speaking of killers, we present MyDeathSpace. [via bestweekever]
• This girl's taking a killing, but a finance intern in London acting a little snootay? Shocking! [TimesUK]
• Eliot Spitzer seems slightly less jovial than Tom Suozzi. [NYDN]
• Publicists and fashion bloggers congregate together. Ewwww. Watch from a safe distance. [youtube]

To-Do tonight: Free Josh Wolf

Nick Douglas · 08/24/06 01:50PM
  • Save Josh Wolf by drinking! The San Fran videoblogger is in jail for refusing to hand over protest footage to the feds. The EFF won't help, no one wants to touch what looks like a losing case. Only you can help, by donating to Josh's legal defense fund. And then buy your own drinks, you open-bar freeloader. [Jackson West]

Bubble sign #4815: Content sites going public

Nick Douglas · 08/21/06 02:21PM

In 1996, when the tech boom was still ramping up, Wired Ventures already proved that content outlets would miss out on the money. The company dropped its IPO plans after investors backed off. Wired, unable to pay its bills, had to sell itself off piecemeal. Lesson learned: Content may be king, but only in the sense that the Queen rules the UK.

RIP Kiko: No One Really Cares about You, They Just all Hate Google

Nick Douglas · 08/21/06 02:59AM
  • In the first of our responses to calendar startup Kiko's death, reputable tech writer Paul Graham tries to convince everyone (mostly Web 2.0 investors though) to implement the "stop, drop, and roll" technique to battling that evil Google Empire. Then take out your bazookas and fire away. After all, it's for the good of all mankind. [Paul Graham's Blog]

Dave Winer trades up

Nick Douglas · 08/15/06 08:20AM

Blogger Dave Winer was long known as an irritant — he's got some strong opinions, and he's managed to offend quite a lot of individuals. Now, his awkward phrasing might help him trade up to offending whole people groups at once. From Dave's blog:

CrunchGear gets Alan Smitheed

Nick Douglas · 08/14/06 09:20AM

Among the properly attributed posts on the new gadget blog from TechCrunch, CrunchGear, is one post written by "Alan Smithee." No word yet on whether editor John Biggs used the nom de plume, or if it was one of his writers. Whoever it was, the name is a sign that all's not well.

Digg fallout

Nick Douglas · 08/04/06 02:39PM

BusinessWeek's Kevin Rose cover story got a solid pounding in the online press today. The profile of Digg's founder earned these responses:

Media Bubble: There Is No Principle For Which We Would Go To Prison

abalk2 · 08/03/06 02:45PM

• A San Francisco blogger / journalist has been jailed for refusing to turn over videotape to a grand jury. Note to prosecutors: We will happily deliver our Hasselbeck clip at any time and place of your choosing. [SFC]
• They're refurbishing the White House briefing room, because God forbid the press corps should lob its softballs in decrepit surroundings. [NYT]
• Fox News surprisingly non-homophobic. Apparently they only harass the women over there. [Out]