
New York Times Discovers Secret Blogger Hangout

Maureen O'Connor · 04/03/10 03:34PM

All they need now is a pipe bomb, and they will never be scooped again. Tom & Jerry's is a dive bar near our office. It's also "Elaine's for the glittering digital set," "where everyone knows your Twitter handle."

How Tumblr Is Going to Sell Fashion

Ryan Tate · 03/23/10 04:22PM

Tumblr's always been the blogging platform for America's obsessive coastal elites, with its smart-looking templates and its super-easy conversation system. It's appropriate, then, that the precious New York startup plans to make its money selling internet fashion.

The New Year's Exodus at New York Mag

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/10 03:22PM

A remarkable number of editorial employees have left New York magazine recently! Well. Five, at least. Let us review the departed, below.

Tavi Has Seen Into Karl Lagerfeld's Soul

cityfile · 02/05/10 03:28PM

The world's most precocious blogger, Tavi Gevinson, will be in town to cover New York Fashion Week, which kicks off next Thursday. In the meantime, the 13-year-old fashion industry sensation (who is looking a few years older now that she's decided to follow the trend and die her hair grey) was asked about the most memorable moment of her two-year-old career covering fashion: "Probably meeting Rei Kawakubo, or meeting Karl Lagerfeld and him saying some very nice things and also I could SEE HIS EYES (there were no lasers)." [Fashion Informer]

Formspring.Me: The Sociopathic Crack Cocaine of Oversharing

Foster Kamer · 01/03/10 09:00PM

The newest sweet, cracklike, habit-forming oversharing platform combines the powers of Tumblr, Twitter, and Facebook, and mainlines them right to your face. It's called Formspring.Me, and like crack, it'll destroy your life. It's evil, fun, and addictive. And we have one.

The TSA's Michael Bay-style Blogger Hunters: Privacy Rapists

Foster Kamer · 01/02/10 02:30PM

The TSA's looking not-so-great these days, seeing as how their uber-reactionary measures to security breaches could technically be classified as some "PT Barnum-level shit." So how do you think they react when bloggers leak their directives? Subpoenas and door-busting, naturally.

Manifestos Are Dumb: A Manifesto

Hamilton Nolan · 12/30/09 12:23PM

Never in history has anything good come from a "manifesto." Their effects range from misguided repression (political manifestos) to mere annoyance (college student-written manifestos). Oh look, a new "manifesto" is out! "A Slow-Word Movement." First ever good manifesto? No.