
Child Is Envy of White House Press Corps

Hamilton Nolan · 08/20/09 01:08PM

In your desperate Thursday media column: America's toddler journalist has a lesson for Wolf Blitzer, college football wants to muzzle bloggers, newspapers burn, and ESPN magazine is mad cheap!

Watch Schlubby Dennis Kneale Cry, Over a Blackberry

Ryan Tate · 07/24/09 11:29AM

Sporting some kind of hideous quarter-goatee, Kneale, then at Forbes, allowed the Today show to confiscate his BlackBerry, back in 2007. He surely though it would be a glorious publicity stunt on a national stage; that Kneale only lasted 40 hours out of a week indicates he lost control of the situation, and that his on-camera tears were real.

Come Back, Carl!

cityfile · 07/23/09 10:42AM

Billionaire financier Carl Icahn started blogging to great fanfare in February 2008. But while he got off to a very solid start, posting regularly about "shareholder empowerment" and corporate governance, the last few months have been a big disappointment for loyal readers of The Icahn Report. Icahn—who, as far as we can tell, holds the title of America's wealthiest blogger—hasn't put up anything new since April 16, and it wasn't even an original post, since it had been copied and pasted from the Huffington Post. What's with deal? Has Icahn given up?

Slouching Toward a Coddled and Toothless Blogosphere

Ryan Tate · 07/17/09 03:31PM

Remember when blogs were going to be fiercely independent firebrands who, purified of old media insidery stench, would pull no punches against traditional power structures? So much for that. Today's laptop media is shaping up to be nothing but lapdogs.

Bloggers Just Selling Out All Over the Place

The Cajun Boy · 07/13/09 06:31AM

Oh those damn bloggers! They're out there, and they're ruining everything. They're pushing things on their dumb blogs that they're being secretly compensated to shill for, things like Sea World. They must be destroyed!

Even the Vegan Food in LA is Fake

The Cajun Boy · 07/01/09 09:21PM

Two anonymous Los Angeles-area bloggers visited seventeen all-vegan restaurants and had food samples from each tested in a lab. Seven of the restaurants failed, with some of them found to use real meat in their dishes. [Quarrygirl via Laist]