SVUG #12: What blogs should I pretend to read?
Paul Boutin · 12/22/06 02:30PM
PAUL BOUTIN — Skip the year-end recaps and next week's inevitable Predictions for 2007. Instead, bone up on these four tech/biz insiders whose blogs you don't read, but should say you do. All four are way more successful than you. Each posts faster than you can read. SVUG's party trick: Read 'em today, then trust they'll keep blogging the same topics through March.
Loose Wires: One out of beta, dozens to go...
skidder · 12/21/06 01:07PMSVUG #7: Should I post to my company blog from work?
Paul Boutin · 12/13/06 12:10PM
PAUL BOUTIN — Your company has employee blogs, how cool is that! But as a Valley professional, you're paid a lot of money to play a specialized role. "Blogger" isn't that role. To prevent your posts from coming back to bite you, stick to the unwritten Law of the Schoolyard about when — and how often — to blog.
Remainders: Esthr keeps disemvowelling
ndouglas · 02/22/06 08:29PM"Esthr" Dyson's war on vowels expands past the pre-"r" "e". This time the victims are "accidnts" and "a warm welcm." Flickr is in pain, Esther. Make the hurting stop. [Flickr 1, Flickr 2]
"No two-tiered Internet," said Google. Unless, of course, it's Google's two-tiered Internet. Google and Earthlink partner up to offer free wi-fi with a faster pay version. [Newsvine]
Google loses an Image Search case to a porn company — for competing with the company's mobile business. Yes, some overworked schlubs are buying thumbnailed porn on mobile phones. A service that only the Valley could appreciate. [Financial Times]
Rambus gets sued again: The Los Altos chip patenter's business plan is thus: 1. Go to standards meetings. 2. Quietly patent everyone's standards. 3. Sue everyone who uses them. Then, Rambus investors form flame wars around any discussion of their dirty dealings. Finally, their lawyers have something else to do: Micron's suing them for all of the above. [Techdirt]
Now that Measuremap got bought, it's time for TechCrunch to promote another startup: Blogbeat. "Now with more cowbell," says the Web 2.0 company about its latest revision. Cute. That should attract the Yahoo acquisition team just fine. [TechCrunch]
Blog Cruise 2006: Scoble and a seafood buffet
ndouglas · 02/02/06 09:51AMDumbest moments in business, Valley cut
ndouglas · 01/29/06 12:18PMCulled from Business 2.0, here are the dumbest moves made by the Silicon Valley geniuses.