
'NYRB' Explains Blogs

Pareene · 02/07/08 03:58PM

The New York Review of Books, highbrow home of Joan Didion letters and occasional epic literary feuds (or "nerd fights") today undertakes it greatest challenge: explaining "blogs" to its million-year-old readers. The author assigned to the task? Journo (and cartoonist!) Sarah Boxer, who has assembled a little print anthology of blog "writing." Which means that her task is two-fold, actually: explaining blogs to old people and justifying collecting them into a book to herself. How does she fare? Hilariously!

Emily Gould · 10/09/07 03:10PM

"Ok, so you know how it's pretty typical that a blogger doesn't want to go outside—that they just want to stay indoors and blog all day long? Well when a blogger wants to get outside, they generally want to be able to get out. Unfortunately for me, that is not the case this morning. I AM LOCKED INSIDE MY APARTMENT. Yes, that's right—the door will NOT open, no matter how hard I try." This blog post, and its subsequent 8 updates, did not actually result in this blogger being freed from her apartment sooner than she otherwise would've been. [The Modern Age]