
NBC's iVillage mommying BlogHer with $5 million

Melissa Gira Grant · 07/17/08 02:00PM

BlogHer, the world's largest network of mommybloggers and women who are not mommies, has a new deal with NBC Universal: $5 million from their Peacock Equity fund, and a partnership with iVillage, the leading pastel content provider for ladies. More baby stuff and diet ads will follow at BlogHer, yes, but "we've been able to syndicate ads that make our bloggers happy," says BlogHer cofounder, Lisa Stone. Ads are just the acrylic tip of it.

Caterina Fake crashes ladyblogs' "digital slumber party"

Melissa Gira Grant · 06/02/08 04:20PM

Women do rule the web, Flickr cofounder Caterina Fake told the New York Times, but with a "crushing sameness." Loads of blogs aimed at the moneyed portion of the lady demographic are launching, including Jezebel (published, like Valleywag, by Gawker Media) — ostensibly part of the "sameness" Fake alludes to. A BlogHer study even deems blogging now mainstream among women. Fake is not swayed:

Boys of BlogHer

Nick Douglas · 07/31/06 10:01AM

The BlogHer Conference, a celebration of female bloggers, has wrapped up, and as always, attendees wrote some fantastic stories. Many people met their favorite lady bloggers and met new ones. Robert Scoble, for example, writes:

Dave Winer and the ladies of BlogHer

Nick Douglas · 07/28/06 02:24PM

Today, superstar blogger Dave Winer is writing from BlogHer, an all-girl blog conference. "Everyone's been very nice, lots of kissing and hugging," writes Dave, before posting a video.

Geeks Gone Wild gallery

ndouglas · 02/23/06 10:25PM

Right, with all these geeks taking their clothes off, it's time for a recap. Shield your eyes.