
When Corporate SEO Consultants Attack, Ridiculously

Hamilton Nolan · 03/06/12 11:56AM

When a blogger writes a blog post about something, that blogger will often put a "link" in the blog post that "links" to a related page on the internet. This is just part of blogging. Works pretty well. Until a massive corporation decides to actively get involved. Then, it becomes amusing.

One Lady Brave Enough to Tell Other Ladies Their Blogs Suck

Hamilton Nolan · 02/01/12 02:16PM

The last time overeducated lit mag n+1 wrote a big think piece about a blog, they chased all the smart people away from this here website forever. Now, n+1 is back with yet another in their peerless "How to Overthink Things on the Internet That, In Actuality, Have Little if Any Overarching Theme or Philosophy." This one's for the ladiesssssssss!

Molly Fischer has thoughts about several popular internet "ladyblogs." Like what?

The Five Types of Posts You Find at Thought Catalog

Hamilton Nolan · 12/15/11 01:05PM

Thought Catalog, the of urban 25-year-old creative writing majors (and their spiritual kin) who are incapable of being boring, is redefining the art of blog post writing for a new and vibrant generation. Today's "The Different Types Of People You See At The Gym" is but one example of the fresh, unexplored literary frontiers that they are, you know, exploring. What other types of posts can you find on Thought Catalog?

The AP Must Beat Blogs, Demands AP Memo Leaked to Blog

Hamilton Nolan · 12/13/11 03:00PM

You would think that the AP would be satisfied with its status as "last remaining source of non-local 'news' for 95% of American newspapers." But no! Now they want to be kings of the internet, and whatnot, as well.

The Preposterous Plagiarism Assault on Romenesko

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/11 02:57PM

In your ungrateful Thursday media column: we must all come together to defend Jim Romenesko, farewells at the NYDN, an election news vet dies, and Nickelodeon suffers.

Hostage-Takers Are Calling Blogs Now

John Cook · 10/17/11 04:19PM

When an armed unemployed French computer technician took two government bureaucrats hostage to protest his economic situation today, who did he call to publicize his stunt? A blog. Then everyone started Tweeting. Are we really ready for this?

News Corp Back to Shrugging Off Public Opinion

Hamilton Nolan · 10/11/11 01:41PM

In your brash Tuesday media column: News Corp gets its balls back, the WSJ gets shorter and shorter, Katie Couric picks up odd jobs, Mary Pilon poached, and blog buys newspaper.

Thousands of Tumblr Logins Stolen

Max Read · 06/28/11 10:44PM

Oh, no! Erotic photobloggers and magazine interns everywhere were rocked with the news today that microblogging service Tumblr was the site of a prolonged "phishing" attack that seems to have stolen thousands of Tumblr logins and passwords. How will we ever be able to trust our favorite dogs-wearing-human-clothes blogs again?

Fake Syrian Lesbian Tried to Get Book Deal

Max Read · 06/22/11 06:25PM

Say what you will about Tom MacMaster, the married American grad student who pretended to be a kidnapped Syrian lesbian on the internet—at least he started his horrible fake blog to create (as he put it) "an important voice for issues that I feel strongly about." Well, that, and to cash in on a memoir written from the point of view of his alter ego, which he was shopping around in May.

Celebs No Longer Have to Write Their Own Crappy HuffPo 'Blogs'

Hamilton Nolan · 06/16/11 02:17PM

In your mordant Thursday media column: Arianna Huffington offers concierge service, layoff rumors at Meredith (confirmed), Tina Brown on snark, the Guardian's digital future, and Greta Van Susteren's embarrassment of the day.

Blog Link Could Land Old Man in Thai Jail

Jeff Neumann · 05/27/11 05:22AM

A 54-year-old Colorado man was arrested in Thailand and could face up to 15 years in prison for a very serious crime: He insulted the King of Thailand by linking to an unflattering biography of the monarch on his his blog four years ago. From The Straits Times: