

Nick Denton · 04/08/08 10:36AM

Gabe Delahaye, who wrote the Unethicist for Gawker and brought some sort of funny to the Huffington Post's 23/6 humor site, has a new project: Videogum, part of the Stereogum combine. For his launch stunt, Delahaye woke up at 4.15am to insert a sign into the Today Show. Sure enough, there's a man with the demeanor of a killer holdiing up a message to Videogum's co-author: LINDSAY, UR MY PRINCESS. Videogum's selection of funny videos is promising, though I doubt they'll sustain such early starts. (Click image to enlarge).

Blogging Will Make You Fat, Or Skinny, And KILL YOU!

ian spiegelman · 04/06/08 09:11AM

In the last few months, two bloggers-ages 50 and 60-dropped dead of heart attacks. Times for a trend piece! "Other bloggers complain of weight loss or gain, sleep disorders, exhaustion and other maladies born of the nonstop strain of producing for a news and information cycle that is as always-on as the Internet." Whoa, sucks to be them. But who are the evil bastards that drive this infernal machine? "Some sites, like those owned by Gawker Media, give bloggers retainers and then bonuses for hitting benchmarks, like if the pages they write are viewed 100,000 times a month. Then the goal is raised, like a sales commission: write more, earn more." D'Oh!

A Web Portal for Women, Complete with Thongs

Sheila · 04/02/08 03:28PM

Brandon Holley, former EIC of Jane magazine, used to be "so Jane," in the magazine's words, because she rode horsies and played the drums. But now she has a new job: as EIC of Yahoo's just-launched web portal for women, Shine. Our take on the site? If Jezebel really had been bought by Conde Nast, as they joked about yesterday, this would be the result.

Catholics Are Outnumbered

ian spiegelman · 03/30/08 12:23PM

Internet news person Matt Drudge takes the Vatican's announcement today that there are now more Muslims on earth than Catholics as an opportunity to, well, do what he does. Look at the scary Muslim. He's coming to get you! But there's still hope, Christians.

Please Welcome Drudge to the World Wide Web of 2003

Pareene · 03/25/08 01:07PM

The Drudge Report's permanent list of links to blogs, papers, columnists, and other sources has always been idiosyncratic. Peggy Noonan and Rosie O'Donnell share precious space with Forbes and CNN; blogs are generally underrepresented but Gawker's long been a staple. Earlier today, he quietly updated. New to the Drudge permalink club: Daily Kos, Free Republic, and Talking Points Memo, among others. The man's had Perez Hilton up there for god knows how long but he's just now getting around to a web magazine that's been online almost as long as he has? And such belated recognition of Kos? Is liberals growing hatred of Hillary Clinton really all it took to win Matt's love?

Veronica Webb Meets the Web-Haters

ian spiegelman · 03/23/08 10:00AM

Oh former models like Veronica Webb. Please stop going around saying and writing things. Know why? You're dumb and people don't like you. Ms. Webb was blogging about how she would give Ashley Dupree, one of former Governor Eliot Spitzer's many call girls, a makeover when a bout of the very-stupids overtook her. For instance, saying that Dupree's "almond-shaped blue eyes are her best feature." Dupree, of course, has smokey brown eyes."Every king eventually meets his Beowulf," Webb observes. "Some survive and some don't." What do you suppose the commenters did with this?

The Assimilated Negro: Spreading Racial Discontent Across the Internet?

Pareene · 03/20/08 02:14PM

"Racially charged blogs" are tearing this nation apart. We saw it on Drudge! America's next civil war is right around the corner and it's all because of Stuff White People Like, a site written by and for yuppies to gently laugh at themselves with smug self-congratulation (or alternatively to condemn the whole enterprise, like we just did—wheels within wheels, people). This alarming site is, as the Houston Chronicle puts it, merely "the latest in a string of racially charged blogs (first came, then" Hah. Congrats to friend of Gawker The Assimilated Negro for apparently being inadvertently responsible for the fucking "Stuff White People Like" controversy. And for embodying the "vaguely suggestive without saying anything" term "racially charged"! []

Stanley Fish Finds Right And Wrong Spectacularly Uninteresting

Hamilton Nolan · 03/14/08 08:26AM

Stanley Fish, the author, law professor, columnist, and one of the Times' innumerable bloggers, thinks it would be helpful if readers know exactly what his motivation is with all this highbrow writing he does. "Given a choice between being trivial and being ethical in any direction whatsoever, I'll take trivial (although I might want to debate the judgment), because ethics is not something I'm doing in these columns," he explains in his latest entry. How about superfluous, then? Would you consider being pompous and superfluous, Mr. Fish? Sure you would!

Bloggers In Over-Confident of Own Influence Shock

Pareene · 03/10/08 10:43AM

When we first saw this graph of the recording history of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah", we thought, a) god almighty everyone needs to stop covering "Hallelujah", and b) everyone really needs to stop graphing songs. It was all worth it though for this Kottke guest-blogger post, which perfectly encapsulates the blinkered triumphalism of the boutique bloggers. You see, a half-dozen random bloggers were all pretty sure that their posts on this graph launched Jeff Buckley's "Hallelujah" cover to number one on iTunes—until their one friend who watches TV pointed out that an American Idol contestant sang it last week. [Kottke]

Outlaw Anonymous Posts, Says KentuckLawMan4367

Hamilton Nolan · 03/10/08 10:06AM

A state legislator in Kentucky has proposed a bill that would make it illegal for anyone to post anonymous comments on websites, setting penalties as high as $1000 per violation [WTVQ]. Representative Tim Couch (NOT the former NFL quarterback by the same name, unfortunately—this is the Tim Couch of "Self-employed, Hyden Grocery, Couch's Shell.") says that the bill would cut down on online bullying, which has "especially been a problem in his Eastern Kentucky district." Try life in New York City, motherfucker! Considering that a law like this would bankrupt hundreds of world's largest blogs overnight, as well as flagrantly violate the First Amendment, we'll probably not lend our support. Want to weigh in? Why not send Rep. Couch a letter, or just give him a call at his home number? It's listed on his website, consistent man that he is:

Sarah Larson, Random Chick From Kent

Hamilton Nolan · 03/09/08 11:05AM

George Clooney is dating Sarah Larson, a 28-year-old cocktail waitress from Kent, Washington. Predictably, a guy who knew Larson since grade school has a blog, and he's written a LONG history of damn near everything he knows about her, which has drawn more than a thousand comments. Today the Daily News picks it up and refers vaguely to some of the "very personal details" from Larson's past. For you, we have read the INCREDIBLY LONG blog post and condensed it down to its interesting parts. Everything you ever wanted to know (and more) about the past of George Clooney's girlfriend, below.

Club Expert Explains The Gawking Masses

Hamilton Nolan · 03/07/08 02:05PM

Former NYC club king turned amateur blogger Steve Lewis gets the scoop today on Danny A, the "Super Promoter" who was also the dude driving Leo Dicaprio when he got pulled over the other day (big news). It's tempting to mock this nightlife circle jerk, but we actually kinda like Steve Lewis' style, which is to tell it like it is because he clearly doesn't feel like he has a damn thing left to prove in his chosen industry. Feel free to read all about Danny A if you want, but far more entertaining is Steve's intro, where he accurately breaks down the connection between clubs, celebrities and regular people (sheep):

Dumping James Frey

Rebecca · 03/06/08 02:37PM

James Frey is like my ex-boyfriend of the literary world. Yeah, sure, I enjoyed A Million Little Pieces as a memoir, but after I found out he'd lied to me about the whole dental surgery without Novocaine thing, I wanted him gone. I didn't want him dead, but he was dead to me. He keeps on calling me with new works of fiction, and it's like, enough already. We're over. I was willing to look past the fact that A Million Little Pieces was overwritten and self-aggrandizing when it was a memoir, but as fiction, he could have at least written himself into a likable character. And now he has a blog, which would normally be totally annoying, but just confirms why I dumped him in the first place. Not Sure What A Blog Is

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/08 01:37PM a name that carries weight not only in the corridors of gossipdom, but in the virtual corridors of the internet blog-o-world. The Post's gossip site knows that it needs to spread its influence throughout the online realm in order to remain competitive. But they're not so clear on what a blog is. The following email from Page Six was sent to a MAGAZINE—NOT A BLOG—which really undermines its call for solidarity amongst gossip bloggers:

Buyout Means Site Can Now Afford Semicolons

Hamilton Nolan · 03/04/08 01:02PM

Break Media just bought for an undisclosed sum, which must be a tidy one because of the words "Wall Street" in the site's name. Apparently Wall Street Fighter gets half a million visitors per month [TVWeek]. Who knew? Break decided its mix of simplified finance posts mixed with "check out this cool thing" content would be a good addition to its portfolio of guy-targeted sites, which includes venerable paste-jobs like and Unimportant in appealing to guys: punctuation.


Pareene · 03/04/08 12:40PM

Paul Tilley, the ad exec who killed himself because blogs were mean to him (or something), continues to inspire the most self-righteous and least self-aware of scribes to put quill to parchment, adjust their oft-dropped monocles, and write, more in sadness than in anger ("I think I'm more saddened than pissed off"), strongly worded letters to whom it may concern regarding those mean, mean bloggers. Today, Bob Garfield, who blogs at Ad Age, helpfully explains "the difference between commentary and vandalism." "Commentary" is when smart, mustachioed professionals who've written books and things blog. "Vandalism" is when people are mean to those people, on the internet. [AdAge, UnRelated]

Nina DiSesa Becomes Her Own Blog Nightmare

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/08 04:33PM

"I've seen blogs where if you don't have your name on [a comment], they won't run your answer. I respect those blogs, and the people who run those blogs have a great deal of integrity," said blog-hating ad agency exec Nina DiSesa in an interview we posted earlier today. Among those cowardly bloggers who provide a platform for totally anonymous comments: Nina DiSesa!

Nina DiSesa To Bloggers: Stop Attacking Children!

Hamilton Nolan · 03/03/08 01:02PM

McCann Erickson ad agency exec Nina DiSesa has already made clear her feelings that ad industry bloggers are bitter losers, who bear some responsibility for the suicide of Chicago ad exec Paul Tilley. But in a just-posted new video interview, she expands on the real villains: "The blogs that attack the children." She thinks they should all be outlawed! Quite right, cause there's a lot of ad industry blogs that attack children and stuff, I guess, or something. DiSesa does display her canny understanding of the digital age by acknowledging, "It's fun to have a really good blog on your computer and to engage in it." Okay! The full clip, helpfully titled "Are bloggers dangerous?", is below.