
Gawker Alum Report

Pareene · 02/11/08 04:39PM

Former Gawker editor Joshua David Stein's Page Six Magazine story on the unhappy end of his not-quite-secret romantic relationship with former Gawker editor Emily Gould leaves neither of them looking particularly mature. It is, poetically, not available online. The best recap may be this one, from Karen, an "avid quilter" and "middle aged blogger." Former Gawker editor Alex Balk gives Barack Obama "the coveted Balk endorsement," because he hates baby boomers, dynasties, and women (j/k!). He also pens the ultimate Radar post. Former Gawker managing editor Choire Sicha interviewed Paulda Abdul, commented on the Stein/Gould affair via IM transcript, and started a band. Jessica Coen: still Tumblring. Update: The full story, with commentary, may be found here.

'NYRB' Explains Blogs

Pareene · 02/07/08 03:58PM

The New York Review of Books, highbrow home of Joan Didion letters and occasional epic literary feuds (or "nerd fights") today undertakes it greatest challenge: explaining "blogs" to its million-year-old readers. The author assigned to the task? Journo (and cartoonist!) Sarah Boxer, who has assembled a little print anthology of blog "writing." Which means that her task is two-fold, actually: explaining blogs to old people and justifying collecting them into a book to herself. How does she fare? Hilariously!

Government Agency Acquiesces To Blogger Demands

Pareene · 02/07/08 11:49AM

Good news, well-off nerds: you don't have to take your iPhone and your Nintendo DS and your dozen USB cables and your tricorder and your Apple Newton out of your carry-on bag when going through airport security anymore. Thanks to bloggers! The TSA announced (they have a blog now, remember?) that the bitching and moaning of slightly inconvenienced bOINGbOING commenters led them to call up the offending airports and suspend the foul practice. Hooray internet! Hooray "blogesphere"! Ron Paul for President! [boingboing via Gizmodo]

A Confused Sam Donaldson Chats With Perez Hilton

Pareene · 02/06/08 04:42PM

Popular internet gossip weblogger Mario "Perez" Hilton-Lavandeira 's late endorsement of Senator Hillary Clinton in the California primary might have been the deciding factor, according to venerable ABC journalist Sam Donaldson, who was trotted out by terrorists of some kind and forced to interview Lavandeira by phone, to his utter befuddlement. Donaldson explains that he knew Perez's grandfather Conrad, he wonders why there was "this hugely pregnant woman" on Ms. Hilton's internet site, then he promises to watch Perez Hilton's website every day. Buzz buzz! [ABCNews]

Everyone In America Trolls TSA Blog

Pareene · 02/01/08 05:16PM

Those wacky shoe-screening cards at the TSA started a blog! It's got a catchy name ("Evolution of Security"), a thriller trailer tagline ("Terrorist Evolve. Threats Evolve. Security Must Stay Ahead. You Play a Part." COMING THIS FALL.), and incredibly bitchy comments. Like "DHS and TSA are fundamentally broken. Disband both immediately and return our civil liberties." That's one of the mild ones! They deleted most of the not mild ones. Also it's hosted on Blogger. Some more entertaining of the remaining comments, below. [ThinkProgress, WP]

Government Declares Bloggers Potential Terrorists!

Pareene · 01/31/08 12:22PM

"WASHINGTON (AP) — It's the government's idea of a really bad day: Washington's Metro trains shut down. Seaport computers in New York go dark. Bloggers reveal locations of railcars with hazardous materials." That's right: bloggers are the new terrorists.

Heath Ledger's Death Totally Solved by Science Bloggers

Ryan Tate · 01/30/08 01:28AM

The medical examiner's office is all dragging its heels and waiting for "the results of blood and tissue tests" or whatever before announcing how Heath Ledger died, but bloggers with various science degrees have figured the whole thing out and posted the truth to the Internet while procrastinating on their life-saving research. Let's start with the "NIH-funded biomedical research scientist" who writes, "[Was] this the result of an addiction to drugs[?] Gasp. Of course it was. Or so suspects the drug abuse scientist anyway." His name is DrugMonkey and he's awesome:

The (Un)Reality of Blogging

Richard Lawson · 01/29/08 01:27PM

In this era of hard and difficult facts, there is perhaps no greater discussion than whether a fictional character would be that most intangible of titles, a Blogger. Guest of a Guest, a blog, poses such a question today about our favorite glammed-up stroke victim, Carrie Bradshaw (from that Sex and the City program.) The character was a dating columnist, and it's begun to seem de rigeur for such types to hop on the internet and rattle off their thoughts. Now that it's 2008 and everyone else does, would Carrie Bradshaw blog??

Today In Gawker Alums

Pareene · 01/22/08 12:37PM

Doree is bored by The Wire's Baltimore Sun storyline. Choire is at a seafood restaurant in South Carolina. Emily is posting photos of her dog (and criticizing books about sad literary men). Balk is really sorry he hasn't updated in a while but it's been totally crazy at work!

Highschool Was Hard for Everybody, Not Just Bloggers

Sheila · 01/11/08 02:57PM

Is awkward-teen-pic-posting a way to appear less narcissistic than you really are? Even though curly-headed divorcebloggist-turned-chicklit-er Stephanie Klein's website is chock-full of pics chronicling herself and friends looking alternately happy, drunky, or contemplative, she wants you to know that she's still real, just like us. And she used to look weird! Is this the blog-version of the "I used to be a nerd in highschool" line that celebs are always proclaiming? [Greek Tragedy]

Pro Tip: Don't Liveblog Your Divorce

Pareene · 01/10/08 12:02PM

William Krasnansky, 51, is currently divorcing his wife of ten years. He's also "posted what he calls a fictionalized account of the marriage on his blog." What that means is that he's posted excerpts from a terrible "novel" about how his wife is basically a bitch on his livejournal. His livejournal about his adorable pugs. Now a judge has ordered him to stop blogging about his terrible wife, and it could become a major free speech case. A major free speech case about a livejournal called "Look at my Pugs." Krasnansky's post responding to the judge's order—in adorable cartoon letters with backwards letter 's's, as if written by a pug—may be found after the jump.

Sam Zell Is Super-Duper Excited About His New Blog!

Maggie · 01/07/08 03:50PM

Recently-ordained (and gnomish) Tribune boss Sam Zell sent around an email today to his "partners," alerting them to "some disturbing language" he's heard around the office, but far more importantly? To his brand-new blog! Aw. It's so cute when fuzzy-haired senior citizens try to work the Internets. Leaked email below.

The oldest blogger pay structure of all

Pareene · 01/03/08 11:21AM

"Words Without Borders, an online magazine for literature in translation, is looking for writers with a distinctive voice and point of view to blog literary festivals, readings around town, and international literary and translation news. Literary bent, reliability, a good grasp of grammar, and global cosmopolitan outlook a must. ... Contributions can be frequent or more occasional upon mutual agreement. 6 month commitment minimum. ... If you are unfamiliar with our magazine, please read it first to get a sense of what would fit with our content: We are a general interest magazine. Position is unpaid."

The late Theresa Duncan is still blogging

Pareene · 01/02/08 05:11PM

Writer/artist Theresa Duncan, subject of a January Vanity Fair cover story (among plenty of other coverage), is updating her blog from beyond the grave. Cries for help: now available months after they'd be useful. Duncan—whose intentional overdose on pills last July led to the suicide of her partner Jeremy Blake a week later—had become, according to acquaintances and friends interviewed by Vanity Fair, increasingly erratic, paranoid, haggard, hard-drinking, and depressed in her last year or two. She was convinced that Scientologists were harassing her and Blake, trying to sabotage her stalling career (movie and TV projects that never got off the ground, including one that was supposed to star erstwhile friend of the couple and famed Scientologist musician Beck) and his ascending one (a scheduled retrospective of Blake's work at Washington DC's Corcoran Gallery ended up going on posthumously). So: what does a dead woman blog about? Dick Cavett, Sherlock Holmes, and T.S. Eliot.

Newspaper Manager Inadvertently Calls Nick Denton A Visionary

Pareene · 01/02/08 10:28AM

Dear Journalists: Lucas Grindley, Operations Manager of ("southwest Florida's information leader"), would like you to get paid like bloggers. Specifically, like us! Summing up a largely boring, wonky, Poyntery debate about the value of reporters and information and CPM, Grindley decries Nick Denton's pay model, as described by noted internet expert David Brooks, as a dangerous idea that "may favor sensationalism" (quelle horreur!). Then he decides the most fair model for our brave new media landscape is to give your content providers a set salary with page view bonus structure built in. Which sounds familiar! As Grindley says: "The point is a bonus system doesn't hurt anyone. But it might help retain top talent while also increasing page views and audience." Also possible: existential crises and mass resignations. Talent are a sensitive bunch.

Joshua Stein · 12/28/07 01:20PM

That dude Alan Colmes who is the nominally liberal half of FOX News' duo Hannity and Colmes has what is described as a "secret" blog by the Huffington Post. On it, he posts reader mail, uses his full name, and talks about the show. Ah, we get it, secret like "We didn't know about it so it was a secret!" Also, there's a Bob Dylan video on the blog which we guess means he really is a liberal. [Inside Cable]

Five Years Later, Who Rules Google?

Choire · 12/20/07 08:30PM

Five years ago, blogger Rogers Cadenhead recalls, blogging sorta-evangelist and RSS king Dave Winer made a long bet with Martin Nisenholtz, the senior VP for digital operations at the New York Times. The proposition was this: "In a Google search of five keywords or phrases representing the top five news stories of 2007, weblogs will rank higher than the New York Times' Web site." The best part is, their arguments at the time both pro and con are pretty hilarious—because they've been rendered obsolete. Though technically one of them won, there was another real winner, Cadenhead points out.

Choire · 12/20/07 03:25PM

The 30 best blogs you are quite possibly not reading! [Fimoculous]

Anna Wintour Forced To Utter The Word 'Blog'!

Choire · 12/18/07 09:40AM

Vogue editor Anna Wintour was forced to go to an event last night with "BLOG" in the title, because it was at the Met's Costume Institute! (Blog.Mode! Ha!) Eww! Has she come around on her (righteous) hatred of the word blog? (We have not; the gays of the internet have come to prefer pronouncing it as blogue (rhymes with vogue!), as in, "Have you finished your load of bloguing for the day?" and as in the illustrated example!) In any event, the Met thing sounds kind of... sad. "The exhibition presents some forty costumes and accessories dating from the eighteenth century to the present—all recent Metropolitan Museum acquisitions—and invites visitors to share their reactions online or from a 'blogbar' of computer terminals in the exhibition galleries." *Shudder* Although it was all paid for by Manolo Blahnik! So maybe it is awesome?