
Bye Bye, Julian

John Cook · 09/01/11 03:42PM

Many observers have understandably raised concerns for the safety of confidential informants whose identities are revealed in the full, unredacted copy of Wikileaks' State Department cables that was made public this week in a Keystone Kops farce. But the biggest victim of the latest disclosure is Julian Assange, who no longer has a reason to demand your attention.

Erick Erickson, Lord of the House Republicans

Jim Newell · 07/25/11 03:41PM

There is precisely one person on Earth for whom this terrible debt ceiling debate has been a net positive: Erick Erickson, CNN political analyst and blogger at! He's used it to portray himself as the most important person in Republican party politics, with his trenchant blog posts. Did you know that House Republicans need his permission to do anything? It's true! Our politics are just that healthy.

Bill Maher Explains the Problem With Nancy Grace in 30 Seconds

Matt Cherette · 06/18/11 02:56PM

On last night's Real Time, Bill Maher said a lot. He made fat jokes about secret-hoarding New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, compared Michele Bachmann to Sarah Palin, took a final taste of Weiner, and more. But none of that matters, because this clip—which features Maher's joyously jarring 30-second summation of HLN loudmouth Nancy Grace—is the only one worth watching.

Here Are Joel Osteen's Contradictory, Homophobic Statements to Piers Morgan

Matt Cherette · 01/26/11 10:01PM

This evening's Piers Morgan Tonight featured megachurch pastor Joel Osteen and his Stepford wife Victoria. When Morgan switched the subject to homosexuality, Osteen—declaring it a "sin" and comparing it to an "addiction"—contradicted and offended on multiple levels.

Young Bill O'Reilly Was an Expert In Porn

Adrian Chen · 08/28/10 11:38AM

Long before Bill O'Reilly was a blowhard conservative commentator, he was a contributor to the Boston Phoenix, an alternative-weekly newspaper. One of his assignments: A profile of porn director Gerard Damiano, of Deepthroat fame. What would the "culture warriors" think!?

Bill O'Reilly Compares Transgender People to Ewoks

Maureen O'Connor · 05/19/10 01:50PM

This is sadly predictable. Discussing a lawsuit against American Eagle alleging the retailer discriminated against transgender employees, Billo compared trans people to "ewoks," saying they would "scare the customers."

Mike Milbury Calls Russian Olympic Hockey Team "Eurotrash"

Matt Cherette · 02/24/10 10:52PM

Let the countdown to Olympic sportscaster Mike Milbury's inevitable suspension begin! After tonight's quarterfinal hockey game between Canada and Russia, Milbury had some choice words for the Russian athletes, saying that they "came with their Eurotrash game." Video inside.

I Want to Work for Diddy 2 Confirms that, Yep, Diddy is Still Annoying

Matt Cherette · 12/08/09 12:00AM

Tonight, we answer the question sure to be on everyone's mind: Is Diddy still an annoying, overgrown baby? Short answer: Yes. Long answer: YESSSSS. Evidence? Watch his freak out when a prospective assistant can't spell a word. Game. Set. Match.