
Blowjob-Giving Green Day Fans Invade Broadway

Richard Lawson · 04/08/10 03:40PM

Now that Green Day has a musical on Broadway, all hell is breaking loose. Punk hell. A tipster sent us a note saying that at last night's performance of American Idiot, some respectable theatergoer was spotted servicing her date.

Sex Ads Are Spec Ads, Okay?

Hamilton Nolan · 07/20/09 02:02PM

Look, it is a scandalously explicit blowjob-oriented advertisement for the Sprite beverage! But wait, Twitterererers: this is a spec ad. What's a spec ad? A sexy one.

Real Housewives of New Jersey: We're Talking About Blowjobs

Richard Lawson · 05/27/09 01:01PM

I can't with this show. I really just can't. I mean, these are people? These are people? Last night an alien was murdered while her friends watched, two teenage girls fell off a cliff, and then everyone died. I mean, that's basically what happened.

The Death of Movie Journalists?

Richard Lawson · 04/16/09 04:24PM

State of Play—a political thriller about a dogged reporter uncovering... a conspiracy—may be the last Hollywood movie to feature a hero journalist. Because, you know, that industry is dying.

Don't Let A Blow Job Compromise Your Health!

Hamilton Nolan · 09/18/08 01:34PM

At a time when our young people are getting STDs from playing too much beer pong and Christian politicos can't even keep their own kids celibate, America is plainly in need of a useful public sex education campaign. Well, we won't get it; this country can't even tolerate Eva Mendes' nipple yet. You have to go to Belgium, where sex in advertising is a form of art! Below is a new Belgian PSA that is perhaps the single best piece of televised sex ed I've ever seen. That ain't mouthwash, yall:

Chocolate Addict Joss Stone To Pay Homage To Candy

Hamilton Nolan · 02/20/08 09:25AM

[UPDATE:] Hippie pop star Joss Stone has signed on to do ads for Cadbury Flake. The product is shaped like a rod, so it was quite natural that they've promoted it [Adrants] in the past by having a pretty woman wrap her supple lips around it and roll her eyes back into her head in simulated ecstasy. And then walk down the beach with a horse. The not-so-subtle message: Women and horses will happily give you a blow job in exchange for a Cadbury Flake. Get yours today! Full [classic] ad below.

Emily Gould · 12/07/07 01:15PM

The website for Cookie, the Conde Nast mag for "mom style, kid culture," is currently touting a sex advice column from one "Mrs. Young," who suggests that blow-job adverse moms learn to "savor the favor." It's just opposite a plug for an article on finding "the perfect organic crib linens to brighten up your nursery."

Christopher Hitchens Gags On New Philip Roth Novel

abalk · 09/17/07 04:10PM

Warmongering God-hater Christopher Hitchens takes a look at Philip Roth's Exit Ghost, the final chapter in the life of Roth's fictional altar-ego Nathan Zuckerman. He is unimpressed. Considering Roth's fondness for stories about blowjobs gone wrong, Hitch recalls a scene from The Dying Animal, in which a character, displeased with his partner's fellationary skills... we'll continue this after the jump, eh, for the benefit of the children?

abalk · 08/14/07 05:00PM

"The Ice Cream Cone, The Bob & Weave, Operation, The Swirl, The Hoover, The Plunger: Yes, these are all different types of blowjobs. Sweet Christ, people. Just suck. How complicated is it?" [Jesse on the Brink]

abalk · 07/24/07 12:30PM

"If you're going to swallow, just swallow it. Don't do that thing where you practically gargle it, get it all foamy in your mouth, and then half-spit it out to show the camera. This isn't Cum Guzzling Sluts—it's educational!" [VV]