
"My Knees Felt Weak"

Emily Gould · 06/20/07 01:47PM

We're a few hundred pages further into heiress-socialite Holly Peterson's The Manny, for which she received a million-dollar 2-book deal, and you know what about this book we are currently finding the most galling? Our heroine Jamie and her Manny, "Peter" (oh ha ha ha) have not done it yet. Like, AT ALL. What? Where does Plum Sykes get off calling this book "Lady Chatterly's [sic] Lover for the beach"? If we recall our middle school masturbation fodder correctly, that book had (vaginal, not clitoral!) orgasms on like page 20. The following excerpt is from page 235 of The Manny. As we begin, Peter is touching Jamie's hand.