
Joshua Stein · 11/05/07 05:45PM

In the new Todd Haynes weirdo-biopic of Bob Dylan, I'm Not There, former Brooklyn mascots for attractive domesticity Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams are reunited—sort of. Williams plays Coco Rivington, "the love interest of [Cate] Blanchett's [1966] Dylan"; Ledger "plays Dylan the media superstar, a charismatic, swaggering figure who parties with celebrities, wears look-at-me-but-leave-me-alone sunglasses and watches his personal life collapse under the pressures of his public persona." So poignant! [NYT]

Yonder Stands Your Virgin

abalk2 · 11/21/06 03:55PM

From issues of sexuality to issues of no sex at all, here's a promo clip that permanently cross-legged hymen regenerator Dawn Eden made for her new book, The Thrill of the Chaste: Finding Fulfillment While Keeping Your Clothes On. Remember how we all thought that Twyla Tharp musical was gonna kill Bob Dylan? Well, if he survives this one, we know he's bulletproof.

Dylan Show Hits Highway 61

Chris Mohney · 11/09/06 08:50AM

[The Times They Are A-Changin'] is the best presentation of my songs I have ever seen or heard on any stage.

Media Bubble: Print Is Better, If Dying

Jesse · 09/26/05 01:28PM

• Stories like the Katrina aftermath are much better in print, so long as print's still around to tell them, says print reporter David Carr. [NYT]
• Moss's mistake wasn't doing the blow. It was getting into a fight with a London tab in the first place. [IHT]
• More Dumenican yuks about the fall media offerings. Such as: In wake of TimesSelect, "the Times starts a program offering to pay online readers $49.95 a year to skim 'Metropolitan Diary items about the adorable stuff that Manhattan tots say and do on city buses to amuse the elderly and infirm. (Anticipated revenue stream: Google AdSense ads for Depends and Ensure.)" [Ad Age]
• Forthcoming Dylan documentary by Martin Scorsese shows, sadly but unsurprisingly, that reporters can be humorless nitwits. [E&P]
• Even NYT ombudsman Barney Calame says Geraldo's right and Alessandra's wrong. Big surprise. [NYT]
• It's odd, jack, to see meathead brother Oddjack in a Q&A that does not involve him insulting anyone. [PR Week]

Bloomberg staffer defects

Gawker · 04/02/03 02:09PM

From Bloomberg senior editor Nick Hays' Bob Dylan-inspired resignation letter: "Matt, I quit...As the poet said, I ain't sayin' you treated me unkind. You could have done better, but I don't mind. You just kind of wasted my precious time. But don't think twice, it's alright."
Staffer won't work on Bloomie farm no more [Keith Kelly - NY Post]