
America Surrenders to New, Walletsucking Vampire Breed

STV · 11/24/08 11:40AM

It was the weekend that moviegoers gave blood whether they wanted to or not; take a moment, relax and recover with us as we comb through the Monday Morning Box Office: 1. Twilight - $70.6 million Multiplex chains were forced to summon crisis counselors after Twilight's $33 million opening day, the screeching tween torment of which rang in shellshocked staffers' ears even as grosses slowed into the weekend. Meanwhile at Summit Entertainment — the indie that bankrolled the the teen-vampire-romance phenomenon — execs are assembling one of the nicest fruit baskets ever to send to Warner Bros., whose bumping of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from Nov. 21 to next summer gave Twilight a green light to plunder at will.2. Quantum of Solace - $27.4 million The 007 thriller plunged 60% from its record-breaking opening a week ago, once again triggering Broody Bond's thirst for revenge that will be explored in the series' stake-wielding 2011 installment, Message For Twilight. 3. Bolt - $27 million Disney's 3-D canine pseudohero took a massive dump on its owner's carpet over the weekend, underperforming by at least $10 million below expectations. After a stern talking to, the pooch is expected to behave a little better for the studio's Thankgsiving guests; another mess like this and it's straight to the shelter. 4. Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa - $16 million On the other hand, runaway zoo animals never require discipline from their masters at DreamWorks Animation, though Madagascar's own 54% drop was unusual for a famliy film, even one featuring the giraffe-voicing talents of David Schwimmer. 5. Role Models - $7.2 million David Wain's bid for mainstream success has apparently been accepted by, well, the mainstream, with his R-rated mentoring comedy grossing $48 million to date. Congratulations, David!

Heroic Dog Fends Off Vampires in Deadly All-Ages Box-Office Duel

STV · 11/21/08 11:45AM

Welcome back to Defamer Attractions, your weekly guide to everything new, noteworthy and otherwise avoidable at the movies. Today offers a little more variety than last week's Bond! Bond! Bond! World Tour, but only a little — a total of two major new offerings are crashing the multiplex this week, with a scrappy smattering of indies and upstarts shuffling onto screens behind them. And if that's not doing it for you, there are always a few thrilling DVD's to pick up the slack. As always, our opinions are our own, but you'll never see them schlepping off to Washington for a bailout. Invest wisely after the jump!WHAT'S NEW: Hopefully you enjoyed your mildly adult pleasures last week while you could, because it's an all-puberty weekend this go-around. Twilight finally crashes theaters after a hormonal, high-pitched tidal wave of anticipation, packing tween girls (and not just a few of their mothers) into as much as $70 million worth of sold-out shows. We don't have much to say about the vampire swoonathon that we haven't thrown your way already, but we will go ahead and call it for a $68.8 million gross, 237 fainting spells and a record 455 million shrieks drowning out the dialogue. Disney will represent as well with its 3-D canine superhero opus Bolt, voiced by John Travolta and Miley Cyrus among others. Tracking is close to $40 million, but with reviews well-above average and the imprimatur of ex-Pixar chief John Lasseter, we could see it overlapping quadrants a bit and maybe peaking around $45 million. Also opening: Actor Robert Davi's doo-wop/heist-flick directorial debut The Dukes; the imploding Irish marriage drama Eden; and the ethnically-charged lesbian love story I Can't Think Straight. THE BIG LOSER: For the second consecutive week, the box-office is America's last remaining growth sector. No losers to speak of here, though talk to us next week about Australia.

BREAKING: Miley Cyrus Not Dead, Says Miley Cyrus

STV · 11/18/08 02:28PM

Miley Cyrus hackers continue to represent one of the fastest-growing segments of the American tech sector, returning to haunt the Disney superstar once again over the weekend. This time around, however, the ambitious intruder bypassed Miley's generically scandalous shirt-chomping escapades in favor of spreading the much more dire gossip that she was dead. Spoiler alert: She's not! But that doesn't mean she won't seek vengeance anyway.E! saw through the stunt, blowing a golden opportunity to welcome Miley's ghost to last night's Daily 10. Instead, host Michael Yo gave the whole game away from the start, prompting a gaping incredulity that Miley's BFF Mandy soon mitigated with her urgent MySpace update: "MILEY IS OK!! Some1 hacked our youtube account." Miley is naturally shocked, and the search is on to track down the culprit, despite investigators' lengthening list of suspects with both opportunity and motive. We'd look closely at Disney ourselves; Bolt can't rocket to number one this weekend on John Travolta's goateed charm alone.

Miley Cyrus Turns Into Monster When Fed After Midnight

STV · 11/17/08 04:04PM

Life is getting harder and harder for 'Bolt' star Miley Cyrus in her 16th year, faced with so many of the crises that make our mid-teens such a dramatically turbulent era. Like the driving instructor taking less than kindly to her defiance behind the wheel ("I don't wanna turn left, I wanna turn right!"), all those cheapskate hangers-on who won't buy tickets to her shows, and the father whom the young phenom reduced to a punchline last Friday while in late-night conversation with Jay Leno. It must have been 'Miley Day' again; these rituals just get more and more painful for poor Billy Ray. [The Tonight Show]

Pixar Takes Over The World

Alex Carnevale · 11/08/08 04:15PM

With Wall-E holding out hope for a "Best Picture" nomination and two new movies based on original concepts on the way, the best studio in Hollywood isn't going anywhere. Featuring the voice talents of John Travolta and Miley Cyrus, Bolt was reworked by Pixar execs and will hit theaters in time for Thanksgiving. The company has also released a new trailer showcasing the stunning visuals of its 2009 original masterpiece-to-be, Up!. What can Pixar freaks anticipate in the years to come, and could the company be stretching itself too thin?Bolt probably has endured more turmoil than any project Pixar's been involved with, and yet the reworked film looks promising, if a bit too reminiscent of Toy Story in some of the small details. (The film's animators were pressed to complete it in just 18 months, as opposed to the usual years.) Still, if you're going to go over old territory, that's surely the box office success you'd like to replicate. Originally written and directed by Lilo & Stitch creator Chris Sanders, Bolt was completely remade by Pixar's Brain Trust, the team of writers and directors that guide the studio.

Bolt struck down by Universal — but more video sites remain

Mary Jane Irwin · 08/16/07 05:30PM

Big media has scored another victory in its grinding war against online video sites. has, ahem, bolted, from the Web, seeking protection from creditors. A target of Universal Music's copyright-infringement rampage in October 2006, Bolt hoped to settle the suit by promising Universal a stake in its pending sale to fellow video site Well, that deal fell throughearlier this month, and now out of options, Bolt is all but dead. For Universal, though, it's a very Pyrrhic victory. One site down, infinity to go.

Gofish's Bolt buyout swims with the fishes

Owen Thomas · 08/01/07 01:29PM

GoFish, the online-video site whose IPO we took as a sign of stock-market froth, hasn't been producing as many bubbles lately. A deal struck in February for GoFish to buy Bolt Media, a rival video site, has fallen apart, according to Digital Music News. DMN says that licensing video rights for both GoFish and Bolt proved too complicated, and GoFish decided to go it alone. But we think there's more to this story. And yes, there is.