
Chesley Sullenberger Is Even Better Than You Think

Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/09 12:38PM

Is hero pilot Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger a normal man, or a superhuman paragon of ethics sent to earth to shame us into being better people? His treatment of an overdue library book points to "superhuman":

David Denby's Book Is Full of Lies!

Pareene · 02/02/09 11:15AM

Oh, what a shock: David Denby's book, The Internet is Mean and I Am Smart, is full of either intentional misreadings and factual errors or inadvertent glaring mistakes because he is a lazy thinker and a poor writer, who really needs an editor, which is why he would not actually be a successful blogger, because he'd get called on his shit by those "snark-merchants" or whatever the hell he calls people who call people like David Denby on their obnoxious bullshit. Thankfully only two people have actually skimmed his book.

Self-Publishing Is the New Real Publishing

Hamilton Nolan · 01/28/09 10:29AM

Feeling depressed because the recession and the internet are both killing the book publishing industry, and hurting your hopes for the big literary contract you deserve? Just self-publish! Every other jerk is.

Sarah Palin Gearing Up For Presidential Run

Ryan Tate · 01/27/09 06:39AM

Even as she was helping ruin John McCain's presidential hopes forever, Sarah Palin was learning an important lesson from Barack Obama: Strike while your fame is still hot.

Paris Hilton Is Basically a Racist Porn Star, Says New Book

Richard Lawson · 01/23/09 01:36PM

New book Six Degrees of Paris Hilton profiles Darnell Riley, a shady criminal and pseudo-celebrity hanger-on who knows many wicked Hollywood-sleaze secrets. The tome spins many damning stories about the hood-lidded socialite's sordid existence.

The Dissing Of A Good Morning America Producer?

Ryan Tate · 01/22/09 07:43PM

Rumor has it former Good Morning America producer Ben Sherwood was pressured into giving up an appearance on his former show — because out outrage from his own former staff.

ABC Staffers Mad About Ex-Producer's Book Deal

Hamilton Nolan · 01/16/09 05:49PM

Drama and pissiness in the morning! A tipster tells us that some staffers at Good Morning America think a former executive producer ripped off their work to help get himself a book deal.

Bankruptcy, Layoffs, Shutdowns, and Spinoffs

Hamilton Nolan · 01/16/09 03:09PM

Your cold (double meaning) Friday media column: Star Trib goes bankrupt, layoff rumors, and you can watch Al Jazeera instead of reading book reviews, which will soon be nonexistent: