
Megan McCarthy, what the puck are you doing?

Owen Thomas · 12/15/07 04:29AM

Get a few drinks in freshly departed Valleywag party correspondent Megan McCarthy, and she will start loudly insisting, no matter what the subject of conversation, that she was involved somehow. You're from New England? She's from New England. You think your friend is pretty? She's pretty, too. Valleywag had a scoop? That was her scoop! You played hockey in high school? She played hockey in high school. On that last point, we have obtained undeniable photographic proof. Enjoy! (Photo "courtesy" of jspepper)

The perils of drunkblogging

Owen Thomas · 12/15/07 04:22AM

"Quick, post the pictures before you sober up!" the ever-helpful Paul Boutin emails me. I'd love to, Paul, but it seems that Brian Lam, gadget expert, forgot to put charged-up batteries in this superhigh-tech, amazingly unusable Sony camera he lent me. Thanks, Brian. This is why he's running a gadget blog and I make fun of venture capitalists for a living, people.

We're at Moose's, drunkblogging live

Owen Thomas · 12/14/07 07:52PM

Special correspondent Paul Boutin and I are at Moose's, a historic bar in San Francisco's North beach district. "23 people have posted on the Facebook wall for Megan's farewell party, but no one's actually shown up," I tell Boutin. "So Web 2.0," he says. "Fail." The Uncov guys aren't even here to give Boutin shit for stealing their line. Unbelievable. People, unplug already. Moose's has a cool bar, a hot bartender named Valen (above), and even trippy vacuum-tube lighting for the geeks. After the jump, photos of the bash in progress, such as it is. Come on and join us!