
Rick Perry's Border-Deployed National Guard Troops Haven't Been Paid

Adam Weinstein · 08/29/14 12:02PM

When Texas Gov. Rick Perry sent National Guard soldiers to the Mexico border to much fanfare earlier this summer, he couldn't say how long they'd be there. It turns out he also couldn't pay them: At least 50 soldiers haven't seen a paycheck and are getting sustenance and vehicle fuel from a local food bank.

U.S. Vet Jailed for Taking Guns to Mexico Says He Just Missed His Exit

Adam Weinstein · 05/06/14 04:45PM

A former combat Marine says he shouldn't be languishing in a Tijuana jail for crossing the Mexican border with three guns, because it was all a mistake: He was heading for a night out with his buddies in California, missed the last highway exit, and ended up Mexico-bound.

Would a Moat With Alligators Solve Our Illegal Immigration Problems?

Jim Newell · 05/10/11 04:11PM

Barack Obama visited El Paso, Texas today to jump start the case for comprehensive immigration reform, yet again, as well as to make fun of Republicans. He mocks the party's ever-moving goalposts on border security, such as wanting more and more troops on the border and demanding an even "higher" fence. "Maybe they'll need a moat," he went on. "Maybe they'll want alligators in the moat." You mean we haven't even tried this yet? Well, now it's too late; alligator prices are through the roof these days.

Arizona Liberals Want Their Own State

Jim Newell · 05/10/11 01:08PM

What's the latest terrible news from Arizona, America's dirt backyard? Not much has changed, really. People want as many guns as possible, to make up for the lack of jobs and sustainable mortgages, while Steven Seagal rides around in tanks attacking chickens. Also, penis certificates. There's very little to complain about. So leave it to the liberals to not appreciate how good they have it and demand their own state.

Armed Mexican Drug Cartel Pirates Operating on Texan Lake

Ravi Somaiya · 05/22/10 11:11AM

According to local news reports members of the Zeta drug cartel patrol the Mexican half of Lake Falcon, a lake that crosses the border between Texas and Mexico, in boats. They wield assault weapons and steal money and electronics.

Tijuana Moon

John Cook · 07/30/09 04:55PM

[The U.S.-Mexico border near Campo, Calif., last night during border patrol operations in the wake of the fatal shooting last week of a U.S. Border Patrol Agent. The lights of Tijuana can be seen in the distance; pic via Getty]