
Lady Gaga's Charity Donated Just $5,000 of Its $2.1 Million

Rich Juzwiak · 03/12/14 03:30PM

News has emerged that Lady Gaga's Born This Way Foundation could be a mere vanity project. Have you ever? Can you even? (No, you can't. You either already tweeted or are just about to tweet, "I can't with this," about this.) We all can collectively gasp while secretly saying, "Yaaaaaas," in our heads regarding Gaga's latest endeavor in hot messery.

Lady Gaga Launches Anti-Bullying Foundation

Maureen O'Connor · 11/02/11 04:02PM

Having apparently let up on her well-meaning but not entirely thought out campaign to make bullying illegal (More jailtime for juvenile delinquents? In place of hate crime statutes, or in addition to them? What about kids who are alternately bullies and bullied?) Lady Gaga is now launching an anti-bullying foundation: