
Donald Trump Talked His Way Into the Bowe Bergdahl Case

Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/17/16 10:31AM

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the soldier who was captured by the Taliban after abandoning his post in Afgahnistan and freed five years later in a prisoner swap, is facing a maximum sentence of life in prison. Key among his legal tactics, his defense team says, is Donald Trump.

Bowe Bergdahl Could Return to Active Duty Today

Allie Jones · 07/14/14 09:13AM

Defense officials said late Sunday that former Taliban POW Bowe Berdahl will return to active duty as early as today. According to a report from The New York Times, Berdahl will live in the barracks and take a job at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, where he's been in therapy the past few weeks.

Aleksander Chan · 06/25/14 09:22PM

The U.S. Army announced today that they "have no reason to believe" that Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was involved in any misconduct during his five years in captivity. Soldiers who had served with Bergdahl in Afghanistan had accused him of supplying information to the Taliban. Bergdahl remains in outpatient care in Texas.

Aleksander Chan · 06/22/14 06:48PM

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has been shifted to outpatient care in San Antonio, the U.S. Army announced today. Bergdahl returned to the U.S. June 13 to begin the "reintegration process," which he will continue, the Associated Press reports, "with exposure to more people and a gradual increase in social interaction."

Bowe Bergdahl Is Back in the U.S.

Allie Jones · 06/13/14 06:55AM

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl returned to the states early this morning to continue his "reintegration process" at the Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Tx. According to The New York Times, this next phase could last "weeks or longer," and he will likely reunite with his parents at the end of it.

Bowe Bergdahl Says He Was Tortured in Captivity

Andy Cush · 06/09/14 07:51AM

According to an Associated Press report, Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has said that he was tortured, beaten, and kept in a cage by Taliban forces while held captive in Afghanistan. Bergdahl spoke of the torture — which allegedly came after he attempted to escape — to people treating him at a U.S. military medical center in Germany.

Report: Bergdahl Walked Off Twice Before Disappearing in 2009

Aleksander Chan · 06/05/14 02:26PM

Two reports released today reveal new details about the dealings of the capture and release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl from Taliban forces. The first report, from the New York Times, states that Bergdahl walked away from designated areas on military bases twice—once in Afghanistan, and once in California—before disappearing in June 2009.

Who Are the GOP Strategists Running the Anti-Bowe Bergdahl Show?

Adam Weinstein · 06/03/14 10:05AM

Several soldiers who served with Bowe Bergdahl, the recently freed U.S. prisoner of war in Afghanistan, would like to tell you how to deal with that dirtbag. They don't want to get into the politics, but they have ideas. Would you like to book them for your show? Just call the Republican strategists representing them.

The Treason Case Against the Last U.S. Taliban Hostage, Explained

Adam Weinstein · 06/02/14 11:45AM

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the only prisoner of war held by the enemy in Afghanistan, was freed last week after a deal by the U.S. to exchange him for five Taliban fighters at Guantanamo. But is he a turncoat? And did the White House sell out America to secure him? Here's what we know.