Owen Thomas · 08/15/07 04:11PM
Long-suffering Facebook spokesprofile Brandee Barker, besieged by a string of PR disasters, has hired some much-needed professional help. Personnel from OutCast Communications, the PR firm that helped launch, are now listed as "officers" of Facebook's official group for journalists. [Facebook]
The flaming-red hotties of Facebook
Owen Thomas · 08/02/07 06:41PM
What is it about the women Facebook hires? I'm sure they're all brilliant, but it needs to be said: The hot social network has equally hot personnel. Randi Jayne, sister of CEO Mark Zuckerberg, finally outs herself on video as a Facebook employee in this clip. But the video doesn't do her justice — as you might have noticed in her "Dontcha" iPhone video, she's distressingly cute. Her colleague, Meagan Marks, gives a sales pitch for working at Facebook that's best appreciated with the mute button on. And spokesperson Brandee Barker? Alas, she's not captured in this video, but you can check her out in this video. Or just take our word for it: Total babe.
"The cold panic, the unbearable neediness"
Owen Thomas · 07/31/07 02:29PM
Forget Facebook fatigue: The new symptom sweeping the Valley is Facebook addiction. A brief outage this morning made most Valley workers more productive — but left some, like strung-out addicts, completely unable to function. One particularly sad case expressed his relief that Facebook was back up. "I've already forgotten the cold panic, the unbearable neediness," he wrote. Also left unable to function: Facebook's PR apparatus, which promised a statement about the outage that has yet to materialize. Perhaps spokeswoman Brandee Barker was hoping to send it out through the Facebook group she normally favors, instead of boring old email, for press releases?
Facebook's wannabe founders
Owen Thomas · 07/16/07 07:42PM
As Facebook's theoretical value soars, the interest of its hangers-ons grows practical indeed. I think that's why Cameron Winklevoss, Tyler Winklevoss, and Divya Narendra are pursuing their lawsuit against sandal-sporting Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg with such tireless vigor. But the three Harvard school chums, who say they hired Zuckerberg to work on their competing ConnectU site before he launched what became Facebook, are far from the only ones pressing a claim to have been present at Facebook's creation. (For the record, long-suffering Facebook PR chief Brandee Barker says the company's official cofounders are Zuckerberg, Chris Hughes, and Dustin Moskowitz.) After the jump, a gallery of everyone who's not an official founder — but who'd like to be.