At Least 14 Dead in San Bernardino Mass Shooting [UPDATING]
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/02/15 06:26PMAt Least Four Students Stabbed Inside U.C. Merced Classroom
Gabrielle Bluestone · 11/04/15 12:23PMAP BREAKING TWEET: This Kitty Is a Pirate
Gabrielle Bluestone · 10/19/15 02:06PMLadies and Gentlemen, It's Time to Panic
Hamilton Nolan · 07/08/15 11:23AMDavid Brooks Knows Some Guys
Hamilton Nolan · 11/14/14 09:57AMPowerful Earthquake Off the Coast of Chile Triggers a Tsunami
Gabrielle Bluestone · 04/01/14 08:10PMGabrielle Bluestone · 03/27/14 07:29PM
Gabrielle Bluestone · 03/19/14 09:53PM
Breaking: Bill de Blasio Crosses Street
J.K. Trotter · 02/21/14 01:45PMSarah Hedgecock · 01/14/14 10:52AM
Gabrielle Bluestone · 12/17/13 06:15PM
J.K. Trotter · 12/16/13 09:34AM
Taylor Berman · 12/02/13 10:33AM
Bill de Blasio Elected Mayor of New York City
J.K. Trotter · 11/05/13 11:32AM
Bill de Blasio, the Brooklyn Democrat and sitting Public Advocate, was elected the 109th mayor of New York City on Tuesday, carried by a dramatic lead over Republican opponent Joe Lhota and widespread sentiment that the Bloomberg administration had turned against New York’s struggling middle class. The candidate is expected to deliver his victory speech in roughly eight-and-a-half hours before supporters gathered at the Park Slope Armory YMCA.
Jeff Bezos Is Buying the Washington Post
Hamilton Nolan · 08/05/13 04:04PMMiddle-Aged Guy Doesn't Like Twitter
Hamilton Nolan · 07/16/13 08:11AM
A coveted job writing for the New York Times op-ed page is considered one of the most exclusive gigs in journalism. And with good reason: the unparalleled intellect and experience of their columnists are simply without equal. Where else will you find some middle-aged dad with the wit and bravery necessary to proclaim: hey, I don't care for this "Twitter" thing?
Explosion at Texas Fertilizer Plant Kills up to 15, Injures Over 160
Taylor Berman · 04/17/13 09:41PM
A giant explosion at a fertilizer plant in West, Texas has killed between five and 15 people and injured over 160, prompting a widespread evacuation of the small town. The blast was felt and heard for 45 miles, and the force of it reportedly leveled dozens of homes and businesses, a nursing home, an apartment complex, and a nearby middle school. From
Breaking Development in North Korea Crisis: 'Leek Widely Used for Dishes in Korea'
Hamilton Nolan · 03/29/13 12:37PM
North Korean leader Kim Jon Un has placed his nation's missiles on standby and announced that he is targeting the American mainland. The leader has made recent brash public gestures of militarism, and the Pentagon has vowed to strengthen our nation's West Coast missile defenses in response. With tensions between the U.S. and the unpredictable North Korea at an all time high, the slightest signal by either side could set off a cascading set of responses that could end in disaster. So you can imagine the shockwaves rippling throughout the intelligence community right now, as analysts try to parse the latest strategic volley from North Korea's official news service:
Hugo Chavez Dead at 58
Max Read · 03/05/13 05:25PM
Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, has died of cancer at age 58, Vice President Nicolás Maduro announced this afternoon. Chavez had been fighting the disease since 2011, flying twice to Cuba for surgeries, and hadn't been seen in public for months before his death. Nevertheless, the former paratrooper, who turned to democratic politics after being imprisoned over a failed military coup, was re-elected president last year thanks to huge support from the country's poor and working class.