
Which Oscar Winner Hooked Up with Charlie Sheen's Ex-Goddess?

Brian Moylan · 07/19/11 10:01AM

One of Charlie Sheen's scratchposts says she used to have an affair with an Oscar winner. This young actress got pregnant by another star. And this photo agency is buying cocaine for Charlie Sheen's ex, Brooke Mueller. Damn, even after leaving Charlie these girls are trouble.

Lindsay Lohan's 'F*cked-Up' Sentence

Max Read · 04/24/11 09:45AM

Lindsay Lohan is unhappy with her sentence. Liz Taylor's eighth husband speaks out. Charlie Sheen loses a goddess via text message. Ye seek Sunday gossip: it is risen.

Charlie Sheen Loses Kids, Gains 600,000 Followers

Max Read · 03/02/11 02:33AM

Police arrived at actor/F-18 jet Charlie Sheen's house on Tuesday night and removed his twin boys from his custody, following allegations that he threatened his ex-wife Brooke Mueller on several occasions. (Mueller had obtained a restraining order against Sheen earlier in the day; she alleges that he threatened to "stab [her] eye with a pen knife" and, at another time, "cut [her] head off, put it in a box, and send it to [her] mom.")