CBS's Brian Montopoli Wins Beauty Pageant That Only Exists In Our Mind
Emily Gould · 12/19/06 04:25PM
Today, the studly Brian Montopoli, who blogs over at CBS News's cute Public Eye, shared his thoughts about the manufactured Tara Conner drama. His contention? That Donald Trump has masterfully manipulated the media, during a traditionally fallow stretch, into giving the whole "Miss USA is a drunk" story about 674% more airtime than it really deserves. We heartily concur — and we applaud Trump's efforts on our behalf during this difficult time. Seriously, we don't know what we'd be writing about if Trump weren't there, dishing out quotes like "It's a story that has happened many times before, to many women and to many men that came to the Big Apple." But Brian saves the best of his chiding post, Vanessa Williams-style, for last: