
Is Google's "work hard, play hard" recruiting code for age discrimination?

theodp · 07/16/08 11:20AM

"We have a preference for those who like to work and play hard," the search giant candidly informs potential candidates for openings for a compliance manager, senior internal auditor, financial project analyst, senior internal controls auditor, management accountant, internal audit treasury manager, accounting manager, internal audit manager, and technology risk analyst. Doesn't exactly conjure up the image of a white-haired 58-year-old Type II diabetic, does it?

Owen Thomas · 01/30/08 07:58PM

California's Supreme Court will hear an age-discrimation lawsuit filed by former Google manager Brian Reid against the company. [AP]

Brian "Fuddy-Duddy" Reid is old, rich — but not Google-rich

Jordan Golson · 10/10/07 12:40AM

Brian Reid says he was fired from Google for being "too old." A profile of Reid in the Sydney Morning Herald notes that he "lost an annual salary of $200,000 and stock options which today would have been worth over $60 million." Quick background: Reid was a high-level manager working directly below the top level. Google says he was let go because the program he was in charge of was terminated. Reid says that he was fired for being old and that age discrimination is a systematic problem at Google. A statistician at UC Davis agrees, saying older employees got smaller bonuses and worse performance reviews. But how bad off, really, is Reid?