"Slacker" net music player service thing debuts this week
Chris Mohney · 03/12/07 01:00PM
March 14 is set for the SXSW debut of Slacker, which is some part of the musicology initiative from Dennis Mudd (formerly of Musicmatch, sold to Yahoo in 2004) and tune-gadget dudes Jim Cady and Jonathan Sasse. Details are sketchy, as this new endeavor has only been described as an "internet music ecosystem," though it's part of the overall venture of the three execs' Broadband Instruments. Supposedly it incorporates a wireless-capable player, plus a "social aspect," and a kitchen sink or two. Hype is careful to couch it as a new, innovationary step forward, rather than an iPod-killer per se. More of an iPod-hurter, if all goes well. Will the strong prey upon the weak, as in any proper ecosystem? Developing.