
Google feeds army of pregnant employees

Nick Douglas · 05/18/06 04:03PM

The boyfriend of an employee of a friend of a high-level Googler (oh I'm sure we can trust his source) says that Google just updated the employee health care plan to give pregnant women a $100 weekly allowance for meals on wheels. Sez he: "Apparently a significant majority (sic) of women at Google have become pregnant, hence the change in policy."

Bubbleborn: Trent Lapinski, MySpace exposer

ndouglas · 05/05/06 07:53PM

Face it, old-timer: Generation Y is already pushing you out the door. Valleywag's here to show you the Bubbleborn, the crowd of upstarts and young bucks overthrowing the Valley. Whether they're inflating or popping the new tech bubble, this is the world they'll shape.