
Behind the Scenes of the 2011 Dallas Burlesque Festival

Chris Wyman · 02/15/11 05:00PM

Since Christina Aguilera and Cher conspired to ruin the good name of Neo-Burlesque last fall, it's up to these Southern Belle-busters to win it back. Although this clip is cable-safe, how does your boss feel about tasseled pasties?

Hot Lesbian Ballerina Sex Surprisingly Lucrative at the Box Office

Richard Lawson · 12/06/10 11:21AM

Who knew! We're certainly shocked. But not more shocked than when we heard that Tangled managed to beat Harry Potter in the slow-ish post-Thanksgiving weekend. That's a big deal! As big a deal as Burlesque? Uh, no. Definitely bigger.

Americans Would Rather See Hermione & Harry Naked Than Jake & Annie

Richard Lawson · 11/29/10 10:37AM

Despite being weighed down by heaps of cranberry sauce and Brussels sprouts (those are everyone's favorite Thanksgiving foods, right?), people managed to haul themselves out to the multiplexes to do their American duty this weekend. And they mostly wanted fantasy.

What's Opening in Theaters Today

Richard Lawson · 11/24/10 03:50PM

Thanksgiving is here! Which means mashed potatoes, so yay, but it also means family. Family's the worst! So get out of the house and go see a movie this holiday weekend. Will it be naked ladies or... nearly-naked ladies?

Burlesque Is Too Gay to Function

Richard Lawson · 11/24/10 01:09PM

Burlesque, the gayest movie made since Prince of Tides, opens in theaters today and people are so excited! Cher! Christina Aguilera! But should they be? Let's take a look at the not-so-good reviews that have come pouring in.

Cher Cannot Turn Back Time

Brian Moylan · 11/18/10 05:57PM

It is against my gay nature to speak ill of Cher, but since she's been on a media tour promoting her impending schlockfest Burlesque, she just sounds like an old. That's not going to sell tickets, Cher!

The Gawker Guide to Fall Movies

Richard Lawson · 09/09/10 10:56AM

Fall is the best time for movies. All the serious awards-contenders strut their stuff, the thrillers are darker and grittier, and the romances tend to be weepies. Here's a guide to what's coming out from now until the new year.

Burlesque: It's Showgirls, With Clothes

Richard Lawson · 08/05/10 09:17AM

Here's a trailer for Burlesque, the Christina Aguilera/Cher girl-with-big-city-and-bright-lights dreams movie that, to some, seemed like the advent of a new gay Christmas. Well, Christmas is canceled this year, kids.

'Esquire' Is The Magabrand With A Penthouse

Joshua Stein · 10/31/07 01:02PM

Don't tell Esquire editor-in-chief David Granger that the concept of "magabrands"—magazines that have "extended" their "brands" to new media, old media and non-media"—is out-of-control bankrupt. Esquire North is the magazine's sprawling Harlem three-level condo on Central Park North; each room and everything in it was decorated by an Esquire advertiser. To have the honor of furnishing arcade seats in eel skin in the gaming room, both Kenneth Cole and Intel had to purchase at least one page (ooh!) of advertising. Last night all these brands threw a party for Riverkeeper. We don't care really about fisheries on the Hudson, but we do care about Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is the main litigator for the environmental outfit. He is so boyishly handsome and so charismatic and so, well, Kennedy-like! Semi-socialite Melissa Berkelhammer stood alone near the panini bar as Kennedy gave a speech. And—was she wearing a sad pony mask?