
Skateboarding Without Knickers: Grover Norquist's First Burning Man

Andy Cush · 09/03/14 11:31AM

Amid the ravers, art freaks, and dust-covered Earth mothers of Burning Man 2014, one man likely stood out from the rest: Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform and all-around conservative icon, who made his first trip to the playa this year.

Fire-Shooting Octopus Car Almost Redeems Burning Man

Lauri Apple · 09/06/11 07:42AM

Not all of the vehicles present at last week's Burning Man Art Conference and Business Workshop were RV campers inhabited by radical CEOs. Some of the things-on-wheels that people drove around the desert were actually quite artistic and inspired! This fire-shooting steampunk octopus, complete with moving arms and eyes that pop out, is one such example. Needs a few additional safety features, but it's still probably safer than a Pinto.

How Rich People Do Burning Man

Lauri Apple · 09/03/11 12:16PM

Unless you're wealthy, you've probably been spending Burning Man Week moping about how you couldn't afford tickets to America's favorite festival of radical self-expression this year. But make no mistake: Those rich people touring the playa on their Mad Max cruisers are suffering, too.

Burning Man's Just for Rich People Now

Lauri Apple · 07/31/11 10:44AM

If we didn't attend the week-long Burning Man festival in Nevada every year, we probably wouldn't be the deeply spiritual, open-minded individual that we are today. We'd just be another emotional eunuch living in America, ignorant in the ways of radical self-expression. Sadly, we and our collection of fruit-flavored body paints and hovercrafts won't be able to go hang out on the Black Rock City playa this year, because last week festival tickets completely sold out for the first time in its 25-year history.

Nevada's 'Burning Man' Towns Face Burn Out

Jeff Neumann · 12/05/10 10:43AM

The small Nevada towns near the 'Burning Man' festival site are effectively jobless and broke after USG Corp., which owns a gypsum mine and produces wallboard, announced the closure of its local operations. What will happen to the drug festival?

God Smites Hippie Heathens at Burning Man

ian spiegelman · 08/31/08 11:04AM

So about 50,000 artsy-lefty, sexed-up, chanting, New Aged nutsos got together in Nevada's Black Rock Desert to do all sorts non-traditional spiritual stuff, and the Lord took notice. He (She? It?) smote 'em Old School with a massive sandstorm yesterday that sent many of the occultists running for shelter before they could close the festivities with the traditional burning of some man.

Keep Burning Man green — stay home

Paul Boutin · 08/29/08 12:00PM

If Burning Man were still held at Ocean Beach, it would be a lot greener. Eighty-seven percent of the 27,000 tons of greenhouse gases generated by this year's party on the playa come from participants driving and flying to and from the event, according to the Cooling Man project. Cooling Man wants Burners to spend ten dollars each to buy carbon offsets. As a former theme-camper, I know money is tight for attendees this week. So I found you a discount to $9.07:

Valley denizens descend on Black Rock City

Jackson West · 08/27/08 11:00PM

It's time for the annual bacchanal of burning fossil fuel and using drugs known as Burning Man. According to a tipster, "Google has a total of five big-rig hospitality trucks camped out at Burning Man for the Google elite and some other Valley bigwigs." Hope they stocked up on water, condoms and 2C-B! For those of you who would prefer to stay home and relish the widespread availability of parking, Scott Beale has assembled a handy guide to experiencing the scene on the playa without getting any sand somewhere uncomfortable. [Laughing Squid] (Photo by Dana Robinson)