
Tennessee Fraternity Holds Hilarious Press Conference to Deny Butt Chugging Charges

Taylor Berman · 10/02/12 07:46PM

The University of Tennessee had quite the scandal last week when a member of the Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity was accused of butt chugging wine. The alleged butt chugger was hospitalized with a reported .4 BAC, and the fraternity was eventually suspended. Today, the entire fraternity held a press conference to deny accusations that the accused butt chugger, Alexander P. Broughton, actually butt chugged any wine.

Butt-Chugging: What Is It, and Who's Doing It?

Elaine Moran & Frank Cozzarelli · 05/12/10 01:45PM

Young people will stop at nothing to get messed up. YouTube is flush with videos of misguided youths introducing alcohol to their nether regions, so we went to Union Square to get to the bottom of this mysterious trend.