
Everybody on C-SPAN Is Talking About Mitt Romney's Huge Penis

John Cook · 01/12/12 05:10PM

Yesterday we brought you a C-SPAN prank caller who asked New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Wayne MacDonald whether Mitt Romney had a large penis (he does). Turns out it was not an isolated incident. Here is a compilation, via Mediaite, of C-SPAN callers—actually one caller, it sounds like—working in references to Mitt Romney's penis over the air. The last one is positively brilliant. Mitt Romney has a huge penis.

Watch a Nerd Get Revenge on His Ex-Girlfriend on C-SPAN2

Matt Cherette · 10/18/10 01:34PM

Todd Seavey is a contributor to Proud to be Right, Jonah Goldberg's new collection of conservative essays. Seavey's ex-girlfriend, Helen Rittelmeyer, is also a contributor. Recently, they both appeared on C-SPAN2's Book TV to discuss. That's when things got weird.

C-Span Caller Is So Sick of Black People

Pareene · 03/29/10 11:34AM

This C-Span caller is upset with how many black people keep calling into C-Span. But he has a helpful suggestion: "you should change your name from C-Span to black-span." The C-Span call-in host guy has a terrible job. [Via]

Health Care Bill Turning Senate Into a Reality Show

Adrian Chen · 12/21/09 12:30AM

After a weekend spent frantically preparing for a series of important health care votes, our nation's esteemed Senators are bickering, exhausted and undersexed. And about one bitch slap from breaking down on C-Span and begging to be sent home.

Congressman Spends His Work Hours Making YouTube Clips

Nick Douglas · 06/21/08 07:35PM

Thaddeus McCotter (R-Michigan) spent his time on the floor of the House of Representatives yesterday giving a little presentation called "How to Speak Democrat." For example, "progressive" means "regressive"! So witty! And the presentation (shown below) should in no way be seen as the sole thing McCotter has accomplished with his time while he only raised $8,500 of the nearly $1 million he's supposed to raise for the National Republican Congressional Committee.

abalk · 08/13/07 09:10AM

New York Times Supreme Court reporter Linda Greenhouse is afraid that if she appears on C-Span she might reveal the paper's secret agenda to force abortions on everyone. [NYP]

abalk · 07/02/07 03:55PM

"It's not every day that Brian Lamb uses the expression "dickhead' on the air, or tells himself, 'You suck.'" [National Journal]

Sexing Up C-Span: "Free-Roaming Lens-Groping"

Chris Mohney · 01/03/07 05:30PM

We can't really appreciate the subtleties of the argument to include more panning and reaction shots of C-Span's coverage of Congress, which will supposedly let news orgs get a more authentic vision of what's going on down among the seats or on the floor. However, Nancy Pelosi has declined on behalf of the House at least, and we kind of like her pinch-hitter's rebuttal: "Such free-roaming lens-groping would defeat the original purpose of broadcasting House debates." Though perhaps Congress as a whole is trying to shed its formerly pro-groping image.